Title: 新聞影片資料庫系統
News Video Database System
Authors: 何水祥
Ho, Shoei-Shyang
Suh-Yin Lee
Keywords: 新聞影片;影片資料庫;News Video;Video Database
Issue Date: 1995
Abstract: 由於計算機硬體與軟體技術的進步,使得互動式多媒體系統的應用變 成商業上急速竄起的明日之星。影片視訊資料是多媒體應用系統中相當常 見的,而其應用也相當廣泛。然而影片的資料量非常龐大,而且不容易以 目前電腦內部的方式描述其內容。因此,我們需要一個可以描述並儲存大 量影片資料的資料庫系統,以供快速的存取及重複使用或隨意視訊其他應 用。 在這篇論文中,我們建構了一個圖形化的互動式中文新聞影片資 料庫系統,這個系統提供使用者透過圖形化的介面容易並快速地獲取所需 的新聞影片。每個新聞影片都有一個中文的內容敘述,並且包含一串屬性 來表示此影片的一些特性及資訊。中文的敘述可用來做最佳式的查詢,而 屬性則可做一般的絕對式查詢。在這個系統中,總共分為五個子系統,分 別是註冊、索引、文字處理、查詢處理以及儲存子系統。每個影片都是以 MPEG-II格式所壓縮編碼並儲存為檔案的形式。此影片資料庫可以輕易地 使用在新聞影片的應用上,包括了隨意新聞視訊服務、電子新聞等等的應 用。 With the advance of computer hardware and software technology, theapplications of multimedia interactive information systems become the risingtopics of computer business and are very popular. Video is the popular media inmultimedia systems and the applications of video are board in many aspects. However, the volume of video data is very large, and it is difficult todescribe the content of videos. It is necessary to develop a database system toprocess, maintain and manage video data for fast retrieval, reusing, on demandservice or other applications. In this thesis we construct a prototype of an interactive Chinese newsvideo database system. The system provides users to easily retrieve the newsvideo clips by graphical user interface. Each video clip in the system containsa Chinese free text description which describes the content of the video clip,and a list of attributes which describe the features or other importantinformation of the video clip. It supports the best matching query of thedescriptions and exact matching query of the attributes. In our system, thereare five major subsystems : annotation, indexing, text processing, querymanipulation, and storage subsystems. Each video clip is compressed in MPEG-IIstandard format, and is saved as a file. This video database can be easilyapplied for the news video applications, including news on demand service andelectronic news.
Appears in Collections:Thesis