Title: 教育性超媒體中學習指引之研究
Navigation Guidance Design and Analysis in Educational Hypermedia
Authors: 王清賢
Wang, Tsing-Hsin
Chuen-Tsai Sun
Keywords: 超媒體;教育性;導覽地圖;導覽指引;學習;Hypermedia;Education;Navigation;Guidance;Learning
Issue Date: 1995
Abstract: 本研究之目的為在教學超媒體中提供導覽地圖的功能, 並提出一套系統化
的方法, 分析各遊覽工具的性質, 包括表現比率, 內部重複律, 外部重複
率, 更新頻率, 以及局部程度. 進而比較學習者使用不同瀏覽工具時, 在
學習過程中瀏覽節點數, 重返率, 跳頁程度以及地圖使用率和各性質之間
的關係, 以做為將來設計或改進時參考用在本研究中, 我們由地圖結構及
位置關係兩維度上考量,設計了八個導覽地圖, 並針對知識結構的三種導
覽地圖進行教學實驗, 實驗結果顯示遊覽工具靜態分析和根據使用者瀏覽
路徑的動態分析結果接近, 因此可以用靜態分析對導覽工具做評估, 另外
The goal of this study is to provide navigation guidance in
educational hypermedia, and to propose a systematical
analysismethod to analyze the attributes of navigation tools.
The measurements we proposed include expression ration,
internalredundant rate, external redundant rate, update
frequency, and degree of locality. We also show the correlations
between themeasurements of navigation tools and the behavior of
users whilenavigation, which include the number of nodes
browsed, back rate,skip rate, and use rate of map.We designed
eight navigation maps, according to he criteria of structure and
locality. We conducted an experiment on knowledge-structure-
based maps. The result of the experiment shows that the static
analysis result is close to the dynamic one. Thus, static
analysis can be used to evaluate the navigation maps. The
experiment results also shows that the attributes of maps are
correlated withthe behavior of users on some measurements. Thus,
we can predict the behavior of users from the attributes of the
navigation maps.
Appears in Collections:Thesis