標題: 報業市場結構與內容多樣性之研究
A Study On the relationship between Newspapers Competition and Content Diversity in Taiwan's Newspapers Industry
作者: 李貞怡
Chen-Yi Lee
Shu-Chu Li
關鍵字: 報業市場;內容多樣性;市場競爭;Newspapers market;Content diversity;Market competition
公開日期: 2003
摘要: 隨著政府於1988年解除報禁,台灣的報業市場過去數十年歲月中歷經三種競爭壓力,首先,1993年有線電視合法,將24小時輪播新聞帶入市場之中,越來越多人以收看有線電視取代看報。其次,電子報的出現,亦改變了現代大眾的媒介使用行為,威脅報業的廣告收入。第三,發跡於香港的蘋果日報,自2003年6月開始進入台灣市場,直接改變了台灣的報業市場結構。 本研究主要利用產業組織理論,希冀了解台灣報業市場競爭與內容多樣性之間的關係,並且採用內容分析法去探測當報業市場面臨上述三項競爭壓力時,報紙內容之轉變。研究結果顯示,面對市場競爭壓力,傳統報業會以增加內容多樣性提升競爭力,尤其「新聞報導方式」、「新聞圖像比例」在過去12年來多樣性呈現明顯的變化。此外,本研究也發現,過去12年間傳統大報「新聞主題」之多樣性變化不大,顯示在競爭環境底下,雖然各報均在新聞外觀中有明顯的改變,但是,亦會產生一些負面的影響,像是新聞主題同質性過高,造成資源的浪費,而且新聞主題多半集中於社會新聞之上,色煽腥新聞充斥主要的新聞版面。
With the lift of Taiwan’s martial law in 1988, newspaper industry in Taiwan faces three types of competition in the past decade; first of all, the legalization of cable television in 1993 brings more than five 24-hour news channels to the market, which causes lots of people to use television instead of newspapers for news. Secondly, the emergence of electronic newspapers also changes the reading habits of the public, which threatens the advertising income of the newspaper industry in Taiwan. Thirdly, the Hong-Kong based newspaper, the Apple Daily, has begun its operation in Taiwan’s market since June of 2003, which directly alters the market structure of Taiwan’s newspaper industry. Using industrial organization theory as the theoretical framework, this study attempts to understand the relationship between market competition and content diversity in Taiwan’s newspaper industry. The method of content analysis was adopted to investigate how content diversity of newspapers varies with the three types of competition mentioned above. The detailed findings are discussed in the thesis.


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