Title: 配合亞太營運中心與NII發展我國電信產業發展方向之研究
Toward the Asia-Pacific Regional Operations Center and National Information Infrastructure: A Study on the Strategy of the Telecommunications Industry in Taiwan
Authors: 黃志賢
Huang, Chih-Hsien
Chyan Yang
Keywords: 亞太營運中心;國家資訊基礎建設;電信產業;發展方向;臺灣;Asia-Pacific Regional Operations Center;National Information Infrastructure;Telecommunications Industry;Strategy;Taiwan
Issue Date: 1995
Abstract: 本研究主要目的乃為配合推動亞太營運中心及國家資訊基礎建設之發 展,因應近年來國內外電信科技之急遽演變,電信環境之整合新趨勢,分 析先進國家之電信發展趨勢,研擬適合我國國情之電信產業發展方向,提 供政府作為推動電信組織改組與電信業務自由化,提昇電信產業競爭力, 促使電信產業健全發展之參考。 經由文獻探討、專家訪談、新加坡與 澳洲實地經驗調查,本研究提出「自由化」、「科技前瞻」、「基礎建設 」、「國際化」等四大方向。並進一步指出十二項未來電信產業的重要議 題。及以下建議: 自由化方面:階段性開放競爭與民營化,並訂定開 放及民營化時間表。應有專職超然之電信管理機構,其功能應含括行政、 立法。 科技前瞻方面:先進服務可由電信業者自行開發實驗試用。且 為因應新科技發展與自由化開放競爭,應可考慮廢除第一類與第二類之界 線。 基礎建設方面:政府應該立法規範保障電信服務產業公平競爭之 環境,防止業者壟斷,並每年委託公信機關評估。同時亦規範電信業者網 網相連的權利與義務,包括原則與資費。另須立法保障普及服務的義務, 經成立普及服務基金,用以補貼普及服務成本。 國際化方面:尊重國 際市場機能運作,政府不應干預廠商進行策略聯盟或對外投資。進一步開 放外資,可不限外資持股比例,但須於一定時間內降至一定比例之下。 Toward the Asia-Pacific Regional Operations Center and the NationalInformation Infrastructure, the Republic of Chinais at the threshold of a newera in the development of its telecommunications industry. This study proposesthe strategy on telecommunications industry in the near future as an initiativeinto the 21st century. Behind the process of literature review, depth interviews, experiencesurvey from developing countries, "liberalization", "technology change"," infrastructure safeguard" and "globalization" are proposed as the four maindirections of the telecommunications industry in Taiwan. Moreover, the studysuggests: Liberalization: deregulate to compete and privatize DGT phase by phase,propose a timetable for the deregulation and privatization, and have anindependently national telecommunications administration institution withlegialative power. Technology Change: encourage developing advanced technologies on trial,and recommend to eliminate the boundary of the first and the second categoryof the telecommunications industry. Infrastructure Safeguard: safeguard the competition under annual review, regulate the interconnection principles including the principle of tariffs,and assure the universal service with a special fund to compensate the costs. Globalization: encourage stratefy alliances and international investmentdriving by the market forces, and allow further foreign investments on Taiwan'slocal telecommunications industry with the restriction of decreasing thepercentage of investment within a period of time, instead of limiting themat the inception.
Appears in Collections:Thesis