Title: 台灣新聞網站市場範圍與市場競爭初探---以《聯合新聞網》、《中時電子報》、《東森新聞報》三大新聞網站為例分析
The Preliminary Study on the Market Analysis of News Web Sites in Taiwan: Comparative Analysis of Udn.com, Chinatimes.com, and ETtoday.com.
Authors: 蔡卓芳
Cho-Fang Tsai
Pei-Chi Chung
Hsiang Iris Chyi
Keywords: 新聞網站;電子報;市場分析;市場競爭;網路媒體;news media;market competition;electronic newspaper;internet media
Issue Date: 2003
Abstract: 本研究為新聞網站市場分析的初探性研究,目的在探討新聞網站的「市場範圍」與「市場競爭」面貌為何。本研究將新聞網站的市場競爭區分為:「資訊市場中的新聞商品競爭」與「商務市場中的獲利來源競爭」兩大區塊,探討新聞網站在這兩大區塊中,與母媒體報紙、電視等傳統媒介的「媒介間」(inter-media)市場競爭,以及與入口網站的「媒介內」(intra-media)市場競爭關係為何。並以台灣前三大新聞網站:《中時電子報》、《聯合新聞網》、《東森新聞報》的市場運作為例分析,呈現台灣新聞網站市場發展的獨特性。 本研究採質化研究取徑,研究方法以「深度訪談」為主;「資料分析」為輔。藉由深度訪談三大新聞網站之「內容、行銷、業務」部門專業經理人,輔以媒體市調公司之調查、報章雜誌報導等二手資料,從市場供給面的方向,描繪新聞網站之市場樣貌。 研究結果發現,新聞網站的「市場範圍」,主要由「語言」作為市場切割之標準。然而,語言所切割出的市場範圍,僅為「閱聽眾」的分佈範圍,缺乏「廣告、業務」操作之考量。為兼顧新聞網站的閱聽眾分佈,與廣告、業務的執行能力,新聞網站的市場範圍定義,在以「語言」為主要劃分依據的前提下,調整為「廣告及內容產品通路所能到達的範圍」,較為實際、可行。 新聞網站在資訊市場中的「媒介間」新聞商品競爭,因新聞網站移植母體報紙新聞的內容依賴結構難改變,線上新聞商品要與報紙新聞商品作區隔,需要靠「內容加值、網路閱讀形式、改寫母體新聞內容」等方式,將兩者新聞商品之間的「相互替代」關係降到最小,以利市場生存。而新聞網站在資訊市場中與入口網站的「媒介內」新聞商品競爭,因新聞網站同時也是入口網站新聞內容提供者,向入口網站收取新聞授權費用,儘管兩者內容商品同樣面對「彼此相互替代」的競爭問題,但新聞網站基於經濟考量,傾向與入口網站就內容合作,而非正面競爭。 新聞網站在商務市場的獲利來源主要包括:網路廣告、新聞授權、網站收費、電子商務、整合行銷。在媒體廣告市場中,新聞網站的營業額、廣告量均無法與報紙、電視等傳統媒體相比,廣告單價亦偏低;在線上媒介的網路廣告市場中,入口網站即佔有下逾半以上的市場,新聞網站亦難以抗衡。儘管廣告業務辛苦,網路廣告仍是新聞網站的收入大宗;新聞授權是新聞網站最穩定的獲利來源;整合行銷與電子商務則是新聞網站目前積極開發的獲利模式;網站收費因市場時機未成熟而尚未實行。上述五種獲利方式中,三家新聞網站又根據自身優勢,發展不同的經營模式。中時電子報積極發展整合行銷;聯合新聞網以內容商品銷售為主軸;東森新聞報因母體支援網路購物的物流與金流系統,積極發展電子商務。
The purpose of this paper is to explore the market scope and competition of news web sites in Taiwan. Market competition in this master thesis is divided into two segments for analysis. One is about ”news competition in the information market”, and the other is on “revenue competition in the business market”. In each segment, the “intra-media” competition and “inter-media” competition are discussed. The first segment refers to the competition between news web sites and its traditional parent-media, such as TV, radio, and newspaper; whereas the latter refers to competition between news web sites and other internet content providers, such as portals. To understand the news web sites market in Taiwan, three online news companies, udn.com, chinatimes.com and ettoday.com, are selected as samples in this comparative analysis. The study also conducts in-depth interviews in order to gain practical insights from online professionals. This research has three research findings. First, the global market of news web sites is segmented by “language”, so Chinese market is different from English market. However, due to several cultural and political disturbances in a single language market, regarding the distribution advertisements and business work as a real market scope is more practical. Second, in the information market, the inter-media relationship between news web sites and its parent-media, such as newspaper or TV is competitive-oriented; on the other hand, the intra-media relationship between news web sites and portals is cooperative-oriented. Third, in the business market, news web sites gain very small market share whether in inter-media competition with traditional media or in intra-media competition with portals. There are five main revenue models of news web sites, including advertising, license fee of news content, subscriptions, electronic commerce and integrated marketing. In Taiwan, advertising is the most important revenue; the revenue stream from license fee of news content is stable; electronic commerce and integrated marketing are developing; subscriptions doesn’t work because of the lack of popularity in marketing strategy at the present time.
Appears in Collections:Thesis

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