Title: RSA公開金匙密碼系統處理器之設計
The IC Design of A High Speed RSA Processor
Authors: 楊慶昭
Yang, Ching-Chao
Jen Chein-Wei
Keywords: 公開金匙;高速;蒙哥馬利;RSA;Public Key;High Speed;RSA;Montgomery
Issue Date: 1995
Abstract: 隨著電子通訊網路的使用日益增加﹐通訊上的資訊安全和保密也日益重要
。RSA 密碼系統是少數可以達到資訊加密和解密以及數位簽署的公開金匙
運算方法之中。 但這些方法最後結果產生之前﹐會有餘數過大的情形﹐
我們採用Compass 0.6um SPDM 細胞庫來實作一顆512-bit 的 RSA 處理器
體架構中大約需要1.5n*n 的時脈。在125Mhz 的時脈下﹐我們的晶片可以
達到164k bits/sec的鮑率。我們的晶片邏輯閘數目總共是74k﹐晶片大小
是7996.8mm x 6993.9mm。
With the growing use of telecommunications networks, the
communication security becomes more and more important. RSA
cryptosystem is the most versatile and most widely used public
key cryptosystem today. RSA cryptosystem involves modular
exponentiation operations on extremely long bit streams. Modular
exponentiation can be performed by successive modular
multiplications. Recently proposed methods for faster
implementation of RSA cryptosystem were based on the Montgomery'
s modular multiplication algorithm. Most of these methods
suffered from the over-large residue or converting the redundant
intermediate results into non-redundant binary representation.
In this thesis, we proposed a modified algorithm to avoid these
problems and reduced the hardware depth for performing the
modular multiplication steps. We have implemented a 512-bit
single chip RSA processor based on our modified algorithm with
Compass 0.6mm SPDM cell library. By our modified modular
exponentiation algorithm, it takes about 1.5n*n clock cycles to
finish one n-bit modular exponentiation operation in our
architecture. The baud rate of the processor is about 164k bits/
sec at 125Mhz clock frequency. The gate count of our chip is
about 74k, and the die size is about 7996.8um x 6993.9um.
Appears in Collections:Thesis