Title: AAL Type 1 晶片設計
Design of an ALL Type 1 Chip
Authors: 方亮宏
Fang, Lian-Hong
Lee Tsern-Huei
Keywords: 非同步傳輸模式;封包;標頭;荷載;定位元傳輸率;同步餘時戳記法;ATM;Cell;Header;Payload;Constant Bit Rate;SRTS
Issue Date: 1995
Abstract: ATM網路卡的製作方興未艾,其目的就是在小型系統測試ATM技術的成熟度
。以製成網路卡為目標的AAL Type 1 晶片,可完成一些ATM層和AAL層的
功能,包括封包組合(Cell Assembly)、 封包分解(Cell Disassembly)以
及在電路模擬(Circuit Emulation)的同時所使用的同步餘時戳記法(
Synchronous Residual Time Stamp;SRTS)。所花費的種種心思和努力就
是希望在定位元傳輸率(Constant Bit Rate;CBR)傳送資料的同時,也能
Xilinx這家公司為FPGA(Field Programmable Gate Array)所出的電腦輔
,由此可窺見AAL Type 1晶片的設計和製作是有其發展的必要性。
In order to experiment the ATM technology in a subsystem,
implementation of the Network Interface Card (NIC) has been
actively executed. We have conducted the AAL type 1(AAL 1) chip
design for NIC. The chip performs ATM layer and AAL 1 functions
such as cell assembly, cell disassembly, Synchronous Residual
Time Stamp(SRTS) for circuit emulation. The intend of these
development efforts isto transfer service data units with a
constant bit rate and timing information between source and
destination. In the thesis, we use Xilinx Viewlogic to
process our design for circuits and simulation. While the
transport of currently exsitingxisting circuit-based signals is
believed to be an important feature of B-ISDN,it isnecessary to
design and implement an AAL 1 chip.
Appears in Collections:Thesis