標題: 中文逐指語意之探究
The Fine Structure of Distributivity in Chinese
作者: 劉怡芬
Yi-Fen Liu
Chen-Sheng Liu
關鍵字: 逐指語意;Distributivity
公開日期: 2004
摘要: 中文逐指語意之探究 中文摘要 本文探討的問題,乃是漢語顯性逐指運符(「都」、「分別」和「各」)與句子主、謂語互動產生的逐指語意解釋。之前的學者曾就不同的角度個別考察漢語顯性逐指運符(「都」、「分別」和「各」)的句法分佈以及語意內涵,然而,由於之前學者提出的分析各有著墨的重點以及優缺,因此我們欲於本文中提出較全面性的探討與分析。尤其本文著墨重點在於顯性逐指運符:「分別」和「各」賦予句子的逐指語意差異,至於「都」,我們則沿用林若望 教授(1998)的分析,將它視為概化逐指運符。根據語料觀察,我們初步發現「分別」和「各」賦予句子的逐指語意可分為兩類:(一) 逐指語意A:部分事件的聯集等同於整體事件;(二) 逐指語意B:部分事件的聯集不等同於整體事件。爾後,我們更進一步發現「分別」和「各」 賦予句子的逐指語意差異在於:(一)「分別」賦予句子的是含順序關係在內的逐指解;(二)「各」賦予句子的則是不含順序關係在內的逐指解,因此本文提出了一套機制:(一)語意特徵標記分享一致與(二)語意推導,不但將語用歧義與詞彙本身之間互動而衍生的語意歧義區別開來;甚至,更將Chomsky自1995年來提出的一系列主張:最簡方案發揮到極致;換言之,就是在邏輯形式裡,句子逐指語意解釋的推導過程也是符合語言理論的經濟原則。 關鍵詞:逐指運符,部分與整體事件結構,分別語意,提及順序,語意特徵標記分享一致,語意推導,線性化,局部性限制
Abstract This thesis investigates distributivity structure in Chinese, especially focusing on the distributive readings brought out by the three different overt distributive operators: ‘dou’ (all), ‘ge’ (each) and ‘fenbie’ (respectively). As for ‘dou’, we directly follow J. W. Lin’s (1998) analysis, viewing ‘dou’ as the realization of the covert D(istributive) operator in English. As for the other two overt distributive operators: ‘ge’ and ‘fenbie’, in our preliminary data observation, we classify the distributive readings they bring out into two types: (i) a distributivity in which a part-whole relation of events is guaranteed; (ii) a distributivity produced without any part-whole relation of events. Furthermore, we find out that the subtle distinction of distributivity brought out by ‘ge’ and ‘fenbie’ falls on whether an ordering relation is embedded in distributivity. From a scrutinized data observation, we conclude with that (i) The distributivity of sentences with ’ge’ is expressed without an ordering relation; (ii) The distibutivity of sentences with ’fenbie’ is expressed with an ordering relation. We propose a mechanism which can cover the subtle semantic distinction between ‘ge’ and ‘fenbie’ with a benefit of prevending a more complicated issue about pragmatic ambiguity involved. Confine the issue on distributivity in Chinese only into the semantic distinction between the two lexical distributors: ‘ge’ and ‘fenbie’. The two operations used within our analysis are (i) Agree Semantic Feature (Sharing version); (ii) Semantic Derivation. Both of them are applied in Logical Form. In an overall picture, our proposal could be viewed as another case under an extension of the spirit of economy addressed in the MP(Minimalist Program). Keywords: Distributive Operator, Event Mereology, Respective Reading, Order of Mention, Agree Semantic Feature (Sharing version), Semantic Derivation, Linearization, Locality Condition


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