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dc.contributor.authorWang, Min-Weien_US
dc.contributor.authorChen Quang-Huaen_US
dc.description.abstract隨著環保議題的日益受到重視,對環境關心的消費者也因而逐漸增加。企 業除了修改現有產品,或發展對環境較無傷害的環保產品之外,行銷人員 也對這群數目不斷成長的族群越來越感興趣,並嘗試將這類環保的訴求運 用在產品的行銷策略之中。「綠色廣告」便是在此環境下最常用的一種行 銷方式。本研究以「哈佛消費者決策模式」作為消費者行為的理論依據, 探討綠色廣告對消費者購買環保產品時的行為之影響;所測量的消費者行 為反應包括:資訊注意、品牌認知、態度、信任、購買意向及人口統計變 數等。在綠色廣告的刺激型態上,主要探討不同類型產品(便利品、選購 品)與不同訴求方式(綠色訴求、非綠色訴求)對消費者行為的影響;此 外並測量「消費者對環境的關心程度」,作為影響其購買行為的因子之一 。研究結果發現,綠色廣告對消費者在環保產品購買行為上的資訊注意、 品牌認知、態度及購買意向等均有影響;而對環境關心程度較高的消費者 的反應,又較低度關心者強烈。最後本研究並依據分析的結果,分別提出 企業在運用時的產品策略、定位策略、銷售策略及廣告策略等建議。 In recent years, because of the environmental protect issue become more and more important, the consumers who are concerned about the environment are increase fastly. In response, companies are modifying existing proudsts and developing new ones to lessharmful to the environment. Marketers have been monitoring the growing consumer concern about the environment with much interest. One way to response is to create 「green advertising」 promotional messages that appeal to the needs and desires of environmentally concerned sonsumers. This study employs the 「Howard's Consumers Decision Model」 as the conceptual framework. The research model is then developed base on it, which involves the variables:「information research」、「brand recognition」、「 attitude」、「confidience」、「purchase intention」 and「demographics」. The research examined how consumers responded to different print advertisements when purchase green products. In the types of green advertisements, the research examined the persuasive of different ad. appeals(green appeal v.s non-green appeal)and the persuasive of green ad. in different types of green products (convenience goods v.s shopping goods). Additional, we measured each subject's involvement with the environment, and use it as one of the infulence factors. The research showed that the green ad. have significant influence to consumers' behavior in information research 、 brand recognition、 attitude toward the pruducts and purchase intention.Furthermore, the results showed that the influence for those highly involved with the envioronment is more significant than those less involved with the environment. Finally, marketing strategies in product 、location、promotion、 advertising for the enterprises when use the green advertisement are presented for recommendation.zh_TW
dc.subjectgreen advertisingen_US
dc.subjectgreen marketingen_US
dc.subjectconsumer behavioren_US
dc.subjectgreen producten_US
dc.titleThe Study of The Effect of Green Advertising on College Students' Green Products Consuming Behavioren_US
Appears in Collections:Thesis