Title: 不同環保態度的消費者對綠色行銷的反應
The Response of Consumers who have different Attitudes about Environment Protection on Green Marketing
Authors: 陳義興
Yih Shing Chen
Jen-Hung Huang
Keywords: 綠色行銷;環保態度;消費者反應;Green Marketing;Environment Protection;Consumer's response
Issue Date: 2000
Abstract: 推廣綠色產品,是解決當前資源浪費、改善生態環境惡化的根本方式。綠色行銷的訴求已成為世界趨勢,各國政府與廠商有許多行銷方式來做綠色產品推廣。本研究針對各種影響消費者購買行為的因素做分析,探討我國政府與廠商的綠色行銷方式對消費者行為的影響程度。
1. 消費者會有環保行為的原因可歸納出兩大因素:
2. 消費者購買因素可歸納出四大因素:
3. 消費者願意購買綠色的產品價格略低於廠商的產品定價。
4. 綠色消費者與非綠色消費者二組人員在性別、居住地方面並無顯著差異,但是在年齡、職業、教育程度、家庭每個月的總收入等方面則差異顯著。
Promote green product is the root method of solving resource waste and improving environment pollution. Green marketing is become a trend of the world. There are so many ways to promote green products for governments and enterprises. This study intends to analyze the various factors which consumers are considerate for. To explore the effectiveness of marketing methods of Taiwanese government and enterprises on consumer’s purchase behavior.
The major findings are:
1. People’s environment protection behaviors are concluded into two reasons. The one is “reuse or economize” for economic consideration. The another one is to obey “morals and laws”.
2. Factors of consumer’s purchase consideration are classified into 4 categories. They are “Practicability of products”, “Product Appearance and Promotion”, “the Authority of government”, “Price and Brand”. There are obvious difference between green consumers and non-green consumers for all the 4 factors.
3. The price which people will to pay for green product is lower than actually published price.
4. Between green consumers and non-green consumers, no obvious difference in sex and residential cities, but they are different in age, career, education, and family income per month.
Appears in Collections:Thesis