Title: 李沛怡中提琴獨奏會與個人創作作品一曲—六月茉莉•望•春風(給中提琴與鋼琴)
Pei-Yi Lee Viola Recital and a Composition based on Taiwanese Folk Songs for Viola and Piano
Authors: 李沛怡
Chen-Hung Ho
Dr. Ting-Lien Wu
Keywords: 中提琴;六月茉莉;望春風;台灣名謠;創作作品;鋼琴;viola;Taiwanese folk songs;composition;piano
Issue Date: 2003
Abstract: 選定台灣名謠作為素材,是由於我對台灣名謠有很貼近的感受,身處在這樣的環境裡,雖然時空背景不一樣,一樣能召換出我對台灣名謠的深刻情感。藉著這兩首台灣名謠,我賦予它們新的生命力,將它們轉化為藝術音樂的世界。藝術音樂(art music)所表達的是一種主觀的感受、情感的世界;以這樣的基調出發,我以西方音樂的和聲概念、音樂結構,將我對這兩首曲子的原始感動繼續的延展、深化,重新將這兩首台灣名謠(望春風與六月茉莉)賦予新的音樂意義。
This music is based on Taiwanese folk songs.Because I stay in Taiwan,these two folk songs to me are very impressive and meaningful.They can arouse my emotions of the Taiwan. By these two folk songs, they are not only be a song, but be an art music. The art music express intended reality and subjective reality. From this tonality and what I have learned about structure of music and harmony of the western music , I extended the feeling that the two songs gave to me and created a new world to them.
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