Title: 資訊產品廠商在探討通路型態時其考慮影響因素之研究
A Study on Effective Factors of Channel Type Setting which Information Technology Firms consider
Authors: 羅敦偉
Lo, Duan-Wei
Quang-Hua Chen
Keywords: 通路型態;資訊產品;Channel;Information
Issue Date: 1995
Abstract: 摘要
素。 在資訊 產品市場日趨成熟的今日,行銷通路型態的選擇更是重要
本研究的目的乃是希望探討資訊產業與產品的特性與通路型態, 進而從
各個不同構面去探 討影響通路型態的因素, 包括:產品因素、公司因素
、市場因素、中間商因素、環境差異 性因素與環境變動性因素。 本研究
對通路型態的分類是依通路整合的程度分為:整合式、 契約式、管理式
經過統計方法的因素分析將因素縮減為少數因素構面後, 以鑑別分析進
行因素的分類,研 究結果發現:
1 、傳統式通路在品牌知名度與中間商取得成本、銷售所需的專業化與投
資程度、 產品特 殊性相對較低。
2 、管理式通路在品牌知名度與中間商取得成本、產品規格與技術的改變
相對較低, 在銷 售所需的專業化與投資程度、消費者類型與需求變動相
3 、契約式通路在銷售所需的專業化與投資程度、品牌忠誠度與銷售專業
4 、整合式通路在品牌知名度與中間商取得成本、產品規格與技術、 產
品特殊性、銷售所 需的專業化與投資程度相對較高, 在消費者類型與需
求變動、品牌忠誠度與銷售專業知識 上則相對較低。
In the age of market-orientation, marketing ability and channel
setting have
become the most important success factors. And in the market of
IT products, we find
that the selection of marketing channel type plays an even more
important role as the field growing mature.
The purpose of the study is to explore the characteristics of
the IT industry and products, and the types of marketing
channels. Furthermore, the study explores the effective
factors from different dimensions, including product factors,
company factors, market factors, intermediate agency factors
and environmental uncertainties. The classification of channel
types is according to the degree of channel integration.
They are corporate, contractual, administered and
conventional channels. We discuss the relative important
factors in each channel type finally.
Appears in Collections:Thesis