Title: | 台灣地區電子書廠商行銷通路選擇之研究 The Selection of Marketing Channels by Taiwan Electronic Book Firms |
Authors: | 余威毅 YU, WEI-YI 陳光華 QUANG-HWA CHEN 管理科學系所 |
Keywords: | 行銷通路;電子書;多媒體光碟;通路型態;通路密度;中間商;Marketing Channels;Electronic-Book;CD-ROM Title;Channel Pattern;Channel Density;Intermediary |
Issue Date: | 1996 |
Abstract: | 近幾年來,電子書在全球已經成為受歡迎的商品,尤其是在台灣。愈來 愈多的學者亦開始致力於有關電子書各個層面的研究,但相關於多媒體光 碟電子書廠商通路選擇的卻鮮少被提及。因此,為了找出電子書廠商做通 路決策時所重視的關鍵公司因素及產品因素,研究先從對市場的瞭解以及 對通路選擇文獻的認識著手,接著建立一操作型架構說明通路選擇的關鍵 因素,通路型態及配銷政策之間的關係,然後利用76家相關廠商的回收問 卷,以SAS套裝軟體在電腦上對資料進行統計分析,最後針對多媒體光碟 廠商提出若干結論與建議,。結論如下:1.店鋪通路的使用率高於非店鋪 通路,整合式通路高於獨立式通路,選擇配銷與密集配銷則高於獨家配銷 。末端通路最主要的三種型態依序是電腦用品店,書店及展示會場。2.當 廠商作通路選擇決策時,有三個主要的公司因素,包括人力資源,財務能 力及通路控制慾望。五個主要的產品因素,他們是產品技術差異性,資訊 服務性,延伸性,識別價值性與創意感官性。3.店鋪通路較非店鋪通路成 員關心公司財務能力及產品資訊服務性。通路整合的程度愈高,公司的人 力資源及通路控制慾望就愈顯重要。通路整合程度愈低,產品資訊服務性 則較重要。獨家和選擇配銷較密集配銷強調公司人力資源。獨家配銷亦較 重視產品識別價值性與創意感官性,選擇配銷較關心產品延伸性,而密集 配銷較重視產品識別價值性。4.對書店通路而言,當公司的員工人數成長 時,此通路的使用率亦會上升。娛樂類多媒體光碟廠商的書店通路使用率 遠高於參考類廠商,但展示會場使用率遠低於教育類多媒體光碟廠商。 In recent years, the electronic book has become a popular product in many countries, especially in Taiwan. More and more scholars are also beginning to make a great deal of effort in several aspect of it, but little attention has been paid to the channel selection of the CD-ROM title manufacturers. Therefore, in order to find out what are the key company and product factors the CD-ROM title manufacturersput emphasis on when they make their channel selection decisions, we started by understanding the electronic book industry and reasoning the prior work on channelselection issues, and then constructed an operational framework for the determinantsof the channel selection, the channel pattern, and the distribution policy. After that, data was collected through questionnaire returns from 76 manufacturers in this industry and were analyzed by performing statistical analysis with SAS computersoftware. Finally, several conclusions were drawn and suggestions have beem made to the CD-ROM title firms. Conclusions are as follows: 1.The usage of indirect channelsid higher than that of direct channels, so are integrated channels in comparison with independent channels, and selective along with extensive distribution policies in contrast to exclusive ones. The three main forms of the intermediaries are the computer stores, bookstores, and the exhibition places in order. 2.When manufacturers make their channelselection decisions, there are 3 key company factors, including human resources, financial capabilities, and the desire for channel control. There are also 5 key productfactors which are product tecnical diff., information services, extensive capabilities, identificationvalues and creativity with attraction. 3.The indirect channel members are more concerned about firms' financial capabilities and product information service than the direct ones. The higher the degree of the channel integration, the greaterthe importance of the firms' human resources and desire for channel control. The lowerthe degree of integration, the greater the emphasis placed on information services. The exclusive and selective distribution followers lay more emphasis on humanresources than the extensive ones. 4.In bookstore channels, as the number of the employees in a firm grows, the bookstore usage rate also rises. The bookstore usage rate of the entertainment CD-ROM title manufacturers is much higher than manufacturers of reference titles, but the exhibition usage rate of them is much lower than manufacturers of education titles. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/62194 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |