標題: 通路型態、品牌權益、通路權力與通路績效之研究-以體育用品產業為例
A Study of the Relationship between Channel Type, Brand Equity, Channel Power and Channel Performance-An Empirical Investigation of the Sporting Goods Industry
作者: 鄭鎧鏑
Hu, Tung-Lai
關鍵字: 通路型態;品牌權益;通路權力;通路積效;channel type, channel power, brand equity, channel performance
公開日期: 2009
摘要: 在消費者越來越聰明且要求越來越高的現今年代中,各大企業皆面臨自由開放地全球性競爭市場,每家企業都希望在這競爭激烈的環境之下,達到高獲利能力及產品市場佔有率之目標;而現今市場中之企業成長除了須要掌握整體通路之外,必須擁有自我品牌,才能使整體企業擁有高利潤。因此,如何將通路與品牌之間的關係運用得當,提高品牌商與通路商之間的默契,並且創造一個供應商與經銷商間雙贏局勢,是當今處在全球化競爭劇烈環境的企業得以生存發展的重大關鍵,進而提升整體通路績效。 體育用品產業在很多國家屬於成熟的產業之一,而在近年來全球氣候的變遷以及運動休閒越來越受大家重視之下,使得大家對於運動用品的需求逐漸增加。因此,在體育用品產業競爭激烈的環境中,品牌商應該要如何與通路經銷商合作,才能使雙方的績效達到最佳,是當今重要的課題之一。 本研究將經由相關文獻探討,整合過去學者著作及相關研究,發展行銷通路與品牌之間關係的理論架構,以台灣大台北地區體育用品產業行銷通路之經銷商為研究對象,透過問卷調查法,並以SEM 線性結構模式探討該產業之不同通路型態下,品牌供應商與經銷商間之品牌權益以及通路權力對通路績效所產生之影響。研究發現:通路型態對品牌權益有正向影響;而通路型態對通路權力也有正向影響;通路權力對品牌權益為正向關係;品牌權益與通路權力皆對通路績效有正向影響。 本研究以體育用品產業經銷商為實證對象,探討各變數之關係,並研擬行銷策略提供業界做為參考,期能對通路成員關係之促進有所貢獻。
As consumer are much clever and require more and more now, worldwide enterprises all face openly competition in global marketing, each of enterprises hope to reach high profit and arise marketing share in such competitive environment; They not only need to control whole channel now, but also have self-brand, which can make each of them have high profit. So, how makes balance between channel and brand and create win-win situation among supplier and distributor is an important key of survival and development in competitive environment of global, and then improving the performance of whole channel. Sporting goods industry is one of mature industry in many countries, as global climate changes and sporting recreation is being paid attention by everybody in recent years, making everybody’s demand for sporting goods increase. Hence, it is important brand trader how to cooperate with distributor in competitive environment of global, which could make both performance reach best situation is one important subject of nowadays. To base on SEM and using questionnaire to probe into channel and brand in sporting goods industry, finding the channel power and brand equity has significant influence channel performance between supplier and dealer. Main empirical findings are summarized as follows: 1. Channel type has significant influence on brand equity. 2. Channel type has significant influence on channel power. 3. Channel power has significant influence on brand equity. 4. Brand equity and channel power both have significant influence on Channel performance. This research has verified by sporting goods channel dealer to research the relationships on any variability, also providing a marketing strategy for reference, and expect to have contribution on channel membership enhancement.


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