Title: 連鎖藥妝店品牌權益與消費者購買行為關係之研究─以台北市女性消費者為例
The Study of the Relationship between Cosmeceutical Chain Store Brand Equity and Consumers’ Purchasing Behavior-A Case Study for Female Consumers in Taipei
Authors: 方彥文
Fang, Yen-Wen
Chen Quang-Hua
Keywords: 連鎖藥妝店;通路結構;商店形象;品牌權益;消費者行為;cosmeceutical chain store;distribution channel attributes;store image;brand equity;consumers' behavior
Issue Date: 2008
Abstract: 近年來,連鎖藥妝店家數大幅上升,傳統藥局亦紛紛轉型為新型藥妝店,使得連鎖藥妝店日漸蓬勃發展,且各大型連鎖藥妝店希望藉由差異化與創新,來吸引消費者的注意。本研究目的在於得知台北市女性消費者於連鎖藥妝店之消費行為。本研究以消費者決策過程中的評估準則為變數當做分類基準,並將消費者分群,探討不同集群之台北市女性消費者於連鎖藥妝店消費時,因對通路結構、商店形象屬性及商店品牌權益重視程度的不同進而影響其消費行為。

In recent years, the number of cosmeceutical chain stores has risen largely; it made the traditional pharmacies reform for the new type cosmeceutical stores in abundance and so that the vigorous development of cosmeceutical chain store is caused day after day. And each large cosmeceutical chain store look forward to attract consumer’s attention by differentiation and innovation. This goal of the research lies in knows the consumer behavior in the cosmeceutical chain store of female consumers in Taipei. This research takes the evaluation criterion during the decision process as the classification datum, and grouped the consumers. To confer different colony of female consumers in Taipei when expends in the cosmeceutical chain store, because of the different value degree to the distribution channel attributes, store image and brand equity then to affect consumers’ purchasing behavior.
This research take the female consumers of Cosmeceutical Chain Stores as the objects of the questionnaire survey, the findings came from 386 effective questionnaires. The findings discovered: this research has divided the consumer into three colonies through the evaluation criteria variable, and there is significant difference on demographic variables、actual consumption、the evaluation principles of store image、distribution channel attributes and the value degree of brand equity on different female consumers

Key words: cosmeceutical Chain Store, distribution channel attributes, the store image, brand equity, consumers’ purchasing behavior
Appears in Collections:Thesis