Title: 連鎖藥妝店商店形象與消費行為之影響-以轉型前後博姿(Boots)美容藥妝店為例
Impacts of Store Image and Consumer Behavior of Chain Drugstore-The Case of Pre and Post Transformation of Boots International Drugstore
Authors: 郭艾珊
Elsa Kuo
Keywords: 連鎖藥妝店;博姿;消費行為;商店形象
Issue Date: 2001
Abstract: 自2000年9月始,英商博姿(Boots)美容藥妝店來台設店,其藥妝店(Drugstore)的定位,對台灣現有的連鎖藥妝業者構成威脅,包括最早由香港和記黃埔集團成立的「屈臣氏個人商店」,和之後由統一7-11百分之百轉投資的「康是美生活藥妝店」。而在博姿進軍台灣即將滿一年之際,博姿國際零售事業部(Boots Retail Int.)考慮到其在台營收有80%來自博姿自有品牌商品,於2001年六月底宣佈調整海外市場經營策略,開發全新品牌概念「Idea for Life」,並依照此新概念,將當時旗下九家分店中三家(忠孝旗艦店、西門誠品店與天母新分店)轉設立「Boots國際健康美容生活館」,店內完全販售自有品牌商品,將博姿由單純通路商經營型態轉型成為博姿品牌專門店,在與亞洲屈臣氏達成合作協議之後,未來博姿更將進駐部分屈臣氏門市,以「店中店」,即品牌專櫃的模式經營,和屈臣氏的關係由競轉合。
為了探討博姿轉型策略對市場動態之影響,本研究首先對藥妝市場三大主要業者─屈臣氏、康是美、博姿之經營概況進行次級資料之整理與分析,再利用問卷調查法,得知女性消費者在選購化妝保養品時,所注重的商店形象(Store Image,包括通路屬性與產品屬性)為何,如何影響其消費決策,最後對博姿轉型策略加以探討,了解消費者對博姿轉型的認知與實際消費行為。
Sept. 2002 the British Boots International Durgstore launched it first branch in Taiwan, since then all locally existed drugstores had been threatened including "Watson's Personal Store" came from HK and "Cosmed Drugstore" invested by 7-11. When Boots running in Taiwan was about to be a year, its international retail business department (Boots Retail Intl,BRI) made an announcement to transfom Boots from its original retail channel player to a single-brand specialty store "Boots International Health and Breauty Store". Such a transformation strategy was based on its past business performace- about 80% of the total sales in Taiwan came from Boots private label goods. BRI also had a cooperate agreement with Watson's Asia to distribute Boots goods into Watson's stores, let Boots running like a counter brand and further become business partner of Watsons.
This study first gathered the business overview information of three major channel players in drugtore market, then use questionnaire and statistical method to further understand what's female consumers major concerning store images and how these attributes were influencing their purchase decisions. Finally, to discover how Boots' transfomation strategy is affecting the drugtore market, this study also explored consumers' real perception on Boots transformation and their consumer behavior pre and post the transformation.
The study result showed that the store image attribute that female consumers value most is product quality. The main consumer profile of Boots is similar with department store and specialty store, meanwhile Boots sales did mainly come from its private label goods, which indicated that it’s a right decision to adjust Boots' position from drugstore to specialty store. Nevertheless, there are still some recommended actions for Boots to take: To enhance brand image, to reinforce its store image management, to fasten its other branches' transformation and to exploit new sources of customers.
Appears in Collections:Thesis