Title: 生活型態對台北市女性消費者在連鎖藥妝店消費行為影響之研究
The Study on the Impact of Lifestyle on Female Consumers’ Behavior at Cosmeceutical Chain Stores in Taipei City
Authors: 鄭雅玲
Ya-ling Cheng
Quang-Hua Chen
Keywords: 連鎖藥妝店;商店形象;生活型態變數;消費行為;cosmeceutical chain stores;store image;life style variables;consuming behavior
Issue Date: 2007
Abstract:  隨著國內國民所得與教育水準的提高,以及自我保養與護理的觀念日漸盛行,消費者對於健康與美麗的追求已是趨勢;此外,因國內之物價水準不斷攀升,使得消費者對於更平價與具有高效果的藥妝產品與保健食品也更加渴望。基於上述之原因,近年來台灣連鎖藥妝店可說是逢勃發展。
Along with the rising of the capita income and the level of education, the popularity of body maintenance, pursuing health and beauty has become a trend. Furthermore, consumers long for cosmeceutical products and health-care food at a more reasonable price because prices keep going up in Taiwan. With all the causes above, cosmeceutical chain stores in Taiwan develop rapidly.
The research aims to realize the consumer’s consuming behavior at cosmeceutical chain stores. We hope to understand what store image and distribution channel attributes customers put emphasis on. Additionally, we examine the life style and demographic data, and take the AIO lifestyle variables as the categorization basis to divide consumers into different consumer groups. Then we try to generalize consuming behavior of each consumer groups, and give some marketing suggestions to cosmeceutical chain stores in Taiwan.
The study is conducted with a questionnaires survey from customers at cosmeceutical chain stores. The result came to 395 effective samples, and female consumers can be segregated into three groups. The results shows consumers of different groups have significant difference on demographic variables, actual consumption, and the evaluation principles of store image and distribution channel attributes.
Appears in Collections:Thesis