Title: 連鎖藥妝店之服務品質、顧客滿意度與再購買意願之關係研究—以C連鎖藥妝店為例
A Study on the Relationship among Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction and Repurchase Intention of Cosmeceutical Chain Stores—A Case Study for C Cosmeceutical Chain Stores
Authors: 游嘉倩
Guang-Hwa Chen、Chi Chiang
Keywords: 連鎖藥妝店;服務品質;顧客滿意度;再購買意願;cosmeceutical chain stores;service quality;customer satisfaction;repurchase intention
Issue Date: 2010
Abstract: 連鎖藥妝店是近年來蓬勃發展的行業,本研究以連鎖藥妝店之服務品質、消費者對連鎖藥妝店之顧客滿意度與再購買意願為主題,主要研究目的為探討不同「人口統計變數」、「消費實態」的消費者對其服務品質之重視程度與認知、顧客滿意度與再購買意願是否有差異,以及連鎖藥妝店「服務品質」對「顧客滿意度」與「再購買意願」的影響。 本研究採用Dabholkar, Thorpe and Rentz (1996)提出之零售業服務品質量表(RSQS),其服務品質包含「可靠性」、「實體形象」、「人員互動」、「問題解決」與「商店政策」五個構面。本研究共收集391份有效問卷,利用變異數分析、相關分析、迴歸分析進行檢定。 本研究發現如下:(1)不同性別對服務品質重視程度無顯著差異。(2)服務品質之「可靠性」、「人員互動」、「問題解決」與「商店政策」此四個構面對顧客滿意度有顯著正相關。(3)服務品質之「可靠性」、「人員互動」此兩個構面對再購買意願有顯著正相關。(4)顧客滿意度對再購買意願有顯著正相關。
Due to the rise of cosmeceutical chain stores in recent years, this study focuses on the relationship of service quality, customer satisfaction and repurchase intention of cosmeceutical chain stores. The purpose of this study is to discuss whether or not there are differences in perceived service quality, customer satisfaction and repurchase intention between different consumers, and to discuss the effect of service quality on customer satisfaction and repurchase intention. The study uses the retail service quality scale (RSQS) by Dabholkar, Thorpe, and Rentz (1996) to measure service quality, which has five dimensions:physical aspects, reliability, personal interaction, problem solving, and policy. This study uses correlation analysis, ANOVA and regression analysis to test the hypothesis. The results indicate (1) there is no difference between different genders, (2) four dimentions of the service quality—reliability, personal interaction, problem solving, and policy —are positively related to customer satisfaction, (3) two dimentions of the service quality—reliability, personal interaction—are positively related to repurchase intention, and (4) customer satisfaction is positively related to repurchase intention.
Appears in Collections:Thesis