Title: ISO 9000系列品質保證制度診斷模式之研究
The Study of Diagnosing Model of ISO 9000 Series Quality Assurance System
Authors: 蕭德賓
Hsiao ,Te-Ping
Pao-Long Chang;Ching-Chow Yang
Keywords: ISO 9000;品質管理;診斷;ISO 9000;Quality Managerial;Diagnosis
Issue Date: 1995
Abstract:   ISO 9000 品質管理及品質保證系列標準,於1987年正式公佈以來對
於以出口為導向之我國經濟體制有極其重大的影響,ISO 9000在我國推動
然成為各產業之生存發展之必要條件之一。 然而推行ISO 9000系列品
行一全面性的診斷,以瞭解現有品質系統之狀況與ISO 9000標準所要求之
差距。本研究所探討的主題在ISO 9000系列標準的推動歷程而言,是屬於
最重要的一個步驟,本研究透過文獻整理與專家之訪談,針對ISO 9001標
準的內涵作一深入的探討,以瞭解ISO 9001標準之各品質要項的內涵與運
作原理以及ISO 9000系列標準評鑑的準則,進而建立ISO 9000的診斷模式
順利通過未來之評鑑。 研究發現ISO 9000之診斷構面有『品質要項文
程度所構成,所以廠商目前品質系統的狀況則依『ISO 9001診斷查檢表』
正式通過ISO 9002驗證資格之登錄。
The ISO 9000, quality management and quality assurance starnard,
was published in 1987 by the International Organization for
Standardization. There are huge impact to the economics of
Taiwan. The trend of promoting ISO 9000 were from exported
company to imported corporation and from manufactory to service
industry. However,there are some stages to implement ISO 9000
series standard. The most important stage in which was to take
an overall diagnosis to quality system and to realize the gap
between ISO 9000 standard and the quality system. This study
attempted to realize the spirit of ISO 9000 standard quality
clauses and how these clauses to process. Furtheremore, build
the diagnosis model and diagnosis dimentions of ISO 9000. To
develop the diagnosis procedure and diagnosis aided tools is to
help the corporations handling and realizing the progress and
the problems at present. Then propose the effective project to
slove and pass the assement in future. The results of this
thesis found that there are two dimen- tions in ISO 9000
diagnosis dimentions, one is the level of documentation of
quality clauses and the other is the implementation level of
quality documents. Every dimentions are composed by high and
low level. Therefore the situation of quality system now
devide into four categories, A,B,C and D. The object of the
case study, the ML company, which was choosen by this thesis
had passed ISO 9002 certification in 24, Nov, 1995 after
adopted the results of diagnosis and the suggestions.
Appears in Collections:Thesis