Title: | 虛擬設計中的溝通與程序問題 Exploring the Issue of Communication and Design Process in Virtal Design Studio |
Authors: | 侯君昊 劉育東 應用藝術研究所 |
Keywords: | 虛擬設計;電腦 |
Issue Date: | 1995 |
Abstract: | 電腦支援不同領域間的合作事務已經有許多年,而且進步愈來愈快。電腦在這類的合作案當中所扮演的角色不外乎通訊工具與大型資料庫。電腦的能力不斷增強,合作事務對電腦的依賴卻也愈重,因為傳統合作案的溝通方式是必須聚集於一地進行直接面對面的討論,透過電腦與網路雖可以打破地理阻隔共享訊息並交換資源,但是同步的討論卻仍然是參與者所期盼的。在設計合作案中尤其需要面對面的溝通,所以在近代虛擬設計的研究中對於達成即時影像、語音通訊的技術十分要求。
這樣的虛擬設計合作引發了一些溝通與程序上的問題,相較於傳統的設計溝通,在時間同步性、地域分布上有很明顯的區別。這樣的溝通方式對於慣於傳統方式的設計參與者究竟有何種影響,是否可以明確的找出問題所在?對於虛擬設計的探索研究而言,這是很重要的議題。本論文將藉由實際參與跨國合作的虛擬設計工作室計畫,探討這些問題,並將試圖提出一混合模型,將程序與溝通因素同時顯示在此模型中,以獲得虛擬設計過程的一個全觀流程。並進一步指出確實設計合作要點,期能讓未來的設計合作有標準可循。 Collaborative works between various territories have been supported by computer for many years and made rapid progress. Computer serve as communication media and shared database required in collaborative works by their powerful abilities. By using computers, participants may achieve design works which traditionally time consuming and complex. The extensive use of computers increases the efficiency of the design process. Lately, the advances of network technology broaden the communication range of collaborative works. Not only same place and asynchronous communication but also distributed and synchronous communication become available. Such kink of collaboration involved some issues of communication in design process. Discussion in the conventional design process is in a manner of face-to-face. However, members of collaborative design teams no longer need to face to each other, they usually meet their team members virtually on computers, or in cyberspace. To study issues of communication and process in collaborative design, we involved in Virtual Design Studio '96 held by University of Hong Kong. By recording and examining the whole process in VDS 96 make us clearly understand the problems inside. A mixed model combined with communication and process diagram will be introduces after the discussion in Chapter 4. According to this model, we'll be able to indentify the procedures in Virtual Design Studio and to Clearify the technical and interaction problems. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/61116 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |