標題: 三維地下水中含氯碳氫化合物之生物性傳輸模式
作者: 洪男雄
關鍵字: 含氯碳氫化合物;生物轉換;初級基質;數值模式;chlorinated hydrocarbons;biotransformation;primary substrate;numerical model
公開日期: 1995
摘要: 含氯碳氫化合物的應用,隨著工業發展而日益增加,不當的處置有可能導致土壤及地下水層的污染。此類污染物已被證實為致癌物質,隨著地下水的移動,有可能重新回到人類的生活圈,而生物處理為整治此類污染物的可行途徑之一。透過初級基質的供給和環境的控制,可使微生物具有分解此類污染物質的能力。
Recently, chlorinated hydrocarbon has been widely used in the industrial sectors. The improper use or treatment of chemicals may pollute the groundwater and soil. Lots of pollutants are known or suspected carcinogens. Chlorinated organic contaminants may return to living circle of human beings through groundwater flow and adverse health of human or creatures. Biotransformation is one of feasible alternatives to remedy this kind of pollution. By providing the primary substrate and controlling the groundwater environment, microbes may transform or reduce the concentration of pollutants.
The purpose of this paper is to develop a numerical model which is capable of simulating the biotransformation of chlorinated hydrocarbons in the groundwater. The developed models obtained in this study may provide a useful and powerful tool in designing and/or selecting the in-situ bioremediation strategies for the groundwater contaminants caused by chlorinated hydrocarbons.
In this paper, the Monod and Michaelis-Menten kinetics have been used to describe the kinetics of biotransformation, and thus, the biotransformation model has been developed. Using the published microbe coefficients and experiment data, the simulation results when using the one-dimensional transformation model have been compared with the experiment data. Besides, a three-dimensional biotransformation model is applied to a real contaminated site. The results show that after 700 days of biotransformation. The concentrations of the chlorinated hydrocarbons will lower than I ppb and reach the clearup goal.