標題: 專家系統在橋樑最佳工法選定之應用
Expert Systems For Optimization Design Of Bridges
作者: 汪海淙
Wang, Hai-Tsung
關鍵字: 人工智慧;專家系統;橋樑工程;不確定度;橋樑施工法;KAPPA-PC
公開日期: 1996
摘要: 摘 要 在土 木工程之規畫及設計問題中,其牽涉的知識領域相當複雜,常常需要 依賴有經驗的領域 專家做適當的工程決策與判斷來協助完成。就橋樑工程而言 ,一座橋於初步設計規劃時 就應考慮到將採何種施工方式來建構,且其關聯之 設計參考因素極為複雜。本研究之目 的係利用人工智慧領域中專家系統累積知 識與法則推理之特性來建構一套橋樑最佳工法 選定之專家系統。知識庫中之知 識主要是擷取於已完成的專家橋樑規畫案例,並透過與 專家的訪談,整合書本 的理論,擷取出此領域的專業知識,再以Intell Corp Inc. 所 發展之Kappa-PC 專家系統建構工具建構本系統。由於人類專家的推理結果往往是語意模 糊的答 案,為了讓系統能模擬以上問題。本研究中模糊推理係採不確定度理論來計算。 本研究所發展之專家系統以傳統橋樑工法、北二高引進之新工法與斜張橋 等特殊工 法之橋樑規畫設計為主。使用者經由使用者介面提供橋樑規畫設計之 相關事實後,透過 本系統之知識推理機構,可得到一組橋樑最佳工法建議方案 之優先順序,供使用者在橋 樑規畫設計時做參考。 本研究最後利用二高後續計畫工 程案例測試本系統,本系統所推理出之結 果與原有之橋樑的工法選擇相當,證明本系統 可達到相當程度的實用性。 ABSTRACT Design proces s is complicated in the domain of civil engineering.It is always involving a l ot of related knowledge sources.A succ-essful design is highly dependent on so me good decision making bythe experts in the special domain.In bridge engineer ing,the meth-od a bridge constructed would be considered in primary planning a nd design. In this research,the system was implemented using KAP-PA-PC expert shell developed by Intell Corp Inc..the knowledge base is acquired from text b ooks,ever constructed bridges,and conversing with domain experts.a knowledge b ase system has been developed to assist bridge engineers in the primary planni ng and design.Owing to the inferential results probably being semantic fuzzine ss,this papar adopted the theorem of uncertainty to represent fuzzy inference. The main purpose of th e system is to perform optimal planningand design of bridges of traditional co nstruction approaches,new construction approaches introduced by Taiwan Area Na tional Expressway Bureau, and special construction approaches,e.g. cable_staye d bridge,arch bridge,suspension bridge. According to the facts related to the bridge provided by the user,the system will infer the knowledge base and make some feasible approaches to help engineers in optimization design of bridge.Th e expert system has been applied to reason some bridges in Second Freeway Exte nsion in Taiwan. Compared to the original construction method of the bridges,t he results obtained by the system are reasonable and acceptable and justify it s considerably practicality.