標題: 開發多媒體教材之標準製作流程的建立
Establishment of Standard Operation Procedures for Developing Multimedia Courseware
作者: 謝龍志
Hsieh, Lung-Chih
Muh-Cherng Wu
關鍵字: 多媒體;多媒體教材;標準製作流程;Multimedia;Multimedia-courseware;Standard Operation Procedures(SOP)
公開日期: 1996
摘要: 多媒體教材(Multimedia-courseware)的開發是一種非常耗費人力、 時間、和金錢的工作,一般的學術單位或組織大都因不瞭解多媒體開發的 具體執行程序或畏懼於製作上的困難,故不輕易去嘗試多媒體教材的開發 。本文則以開發一個多媒體教材的實例作說明,並且建立一適合學術單位 發展專業性多媒體教材的標準製作流程(Standard Operation Procedures; SOP),對於以後有意開發類似多媒體教材之單位或組織, 本標準製作流程將具有導引的功能,使得他們在從事多媒體教材開發的作 業程序上,可以減少摸索與嘗試錯誤的時間。 The development of multimedia-courseware costs manpower, time, andmoney. Due to unfamility of the implementation procedures in developing a multimedia-courseware, the academic organizations seldom try to do this task. This thesis describes a real case of multimedia coursewaredevelopment and presents a set of standard operation procedures (SOP)for developing a multimedia-courseware in academic organizations. The SOP will serve as a guidance to the organizations which intendto develop similar multimedia- coursewares, so that they will save timeand effort needed.