標題: 社區巷道停車需求特性分析與管理策略之可行性評估
An Appraisement for Community Parking Management Strategies
作者: 張鴻鈺
Chang, Hung-Yu
Hsin-Li Chang
關鍵字: 社區;停車;巷道;管理策略;分析層級程序法;Community;Parking;Lane;Management;Strategy;Analytical Hierarchical Procedure
公開日期: 1996
摘要: 社區巷道停車問題主要來自兩方面,一是由於社區本身所衍生之住宅停 車需求與社區整體營造的觀念,其次則是外來車輛於巷道停車時所造成的 衝擊。目前主管機關對於巷道停車問題,除無明確法令規定外,亦無有效 之管理政策加以約束;故本研究針對巷道停車現況加以分析,冀能提出社 區巷道停車管理策略以供主管機關改善巷道停車問題。本論文之內容主要 可分為兩階段,第一階段首先選定研究範圍(台北市文祥社區),並針對 社區巷道內的停車需求特性,從個體面的觀點分析其停車行為,並分析檢 討社區中可供利用的停車資源。在第二階段則由滿足社區本身的效益、提 供來車輛停車需求、建立社區巷道停車管理策略、有效利用社區停車資源 等四方面構建改善社區巷道停車問題的層級架構,並應用「分析層級程序 法」及「社區巷道停車管理策略評選指標」對本研究所擬之替選方案進行 評估,藉以評選最適社區巷道停車管理策略。本研究所評選之最適停車管 理策略的主要目標為「巷道停車管理社區化」,其內容為先對社區巷道的 停車空間加以踏勘且進行規劃,並依規定劃設巷道停車格位;停車格位劃 設完成後,即可由社區自治組織對巷道停車格進行收費與管理之工作;巷 道停車收費採差別收費方式,亦即對社區居民僅收取管理費並發予社區停 車,而對外來車輛駕駛人則收取巷道停車費用。本研究除進行社區巷道停 車現況之相關調查與分析,藉以清楚說明巷道停車空間之擁擠狀況以及駕 駛人之需求行為特性外,亦經由專家學者完成最適社區巷道停車管理策略 之評選,提供主管機關改善巷道停車問題之重要政策依據。 The problem of community parking is mainly resulted from two reasons. One is the rapid growth of parking demand generated bye community itself, and the other is the impact brought by the outside vehicles. However, the authority concerned has neither clear regulation nor effective policy to confront this problem so far. This study is undertaken to analyze the situation of community parking right now, and hope to propose an effective management strategy to the authority concerned for solving the problem.The study of this research is undertalen by to two stages.The first stage is to explore the characteristics of community parking demand, and analyze the parking resource which can be used in the community. The second stage is to develop a set of alternatives for improving the problem of community parking, and evaluate these alternatives by the Analytical Hierarchical Procedure(AHP)to choose the optimum management strategy. The empirical results show the optimum strategy for community parking problemis " The community parking problem is best managed and operated by the community itself ", In order to implement this idea, the community parking regulation is suggested for the community residents, and parking charge is also required for vehicles from outside community.