Title: 國家創新系統之分析研究-台灣個人電腦產業之實證
An Empirical Model of National Innovation System-An Empirical Study of Taiwan*s PC Industry
Authors: 孫家麟
Sun, Jia-Ling
Joseph Z. Shyu
Keywords: 國家創新系統;創新政策工具;產業經濟產出;國家競爭優勢;個人電腦產業;產業關鍵成功因素;National Innovation System;Technology System;critical success factors;government innovation policy;Competitive Advantage of Nations;PC Industry
Issue Date: 1996
Abstract: 九O年代為全球競爭的時代, 發展高科技產業已成為各國政府提昇本 國競爭力與維持經濟成長的重要政策目標,雖然近年來我國在電子資訊產 業的發展上成績斐然,為世界各國所重視。但由於在產業結構上,仍然以 中、小企業為主體,而受限於資金與人才之不足,無法負擔昂貴的研發支 出,使得重要技術研發活動,仍是政府藉由租稅、補助等政策工具之實施 與推動,來主導與協助產業科技技術之發展,這其中充分顯示政府科技政 策對產業發展有著關鍵性的影響。 具體而言,高科技產業的發展,除政府大力輔導與協助外,許多客觀的優 勢因素,如科技資源的獲取管道、資金來源、政府政策績效評估模式等, 都可能影響高科技產業發展的程度。除此之外,在產業與科技的發展過程 中,政府的產業與科技創新政策,對國家科技研發資源的分配,更扮演者 舉足輕重的關鍵性角色,也因此彰顯出政府科技創新政策之重要性,及建 構國家創新系統之迫切性。 本研究針對開發中國家的產業創新需求,建構出一套評估政府創新政策的 分析模式。此模式結合了Porter的「國家競爭優勢」、 Freeman的「國家 創新系統」、Carlsson的「科技系統」、Rothwell和Zegveld的「創新政 策工具」, 以及影響產業競爭的關鍵成功因素等五大相關理論及概念。 並藉由此分析模式的應用研究,探討影響我國個人電腦的相關創新政策與 產業經濟產出的關連性,以驗證此模式的實用性。研究結果發現,在個人 電腦所相對應的全球產業技術結構、國家創新系統、以及產業關鍵成功因 素間,具有相當程度之關連性,而其中尤以國家創新系統對經濟產出的影 響。 藉由本分析模式的提出及分析成 果的呈現,可作為政府在制訂產業科技政策時之參考依據,使國家創新政 策得以與產業結構特性相配合,將國家資源作最有效的分配與利用,以充 分提升我國產業競爭環境之優勢,及民間企業科技研發實力。 This research develops a comprehensive model for analyzing theeffectiveness of government innovation policy for industrial development. Thepurpose of developing this model is to help identify the role of government inindustrial development, especially for developing nations. Specifically, thismodel intends to identify the critical relationships between innovationpolicies and industry*s key success factors (KSFs), that contribute to firm*scompetitiveness. Thus, this model would provide a guidance for an optimizedmatch between government innovation policy and industrial competitiveness suchthat policymakers may apply this method to improve their nationalcompetitiveness. The model integrates five key relevant theories, namely, Porter's"Competitive Advantage of Nations", Freeman's "National Innovation System",Carlsson's "Technology System", Rothwell and Zegveld's "Instruments ofAssessing Innovation Policy", and the concept of critical success factors inindustrial competition. The basic idea is to link the macro-economic factorsat the government level with the micro-economic factors at the firms level. The model was used to investigate the correlation between innovationpolicy and economic performance for the personal computer (PC) industry ofTaiwan. The results show that there is an interdependence among globaltechnological infrastructure, the national innovation system and key successfactors for this industry. It was also found that the success of industrialdevelopment depends on the establishment of KSFs, which in turn are a functionof both government*s innovation policy and industrial structure. It is thosepolicies that help establish industry*s KSFs, and strengthen industrialstructure, and contribute most to the successfulness of industrialdevelopment.
Appears in Collections:Thesis