標題: 影像掃瞄器之市場區隔研究─以新竹地區大學生為例
Market Segmentation of Image Scanner : A Study on Hsin-Chu Area University Student
作者: 魏國峰
Wei, Kuo-Feng
Yu Hsiao-Cheng
關鍵字: 影像掃瞄器;消費行為;市場區隔;生活型態;E-K-B模式;Image Scanner;consumer behavior;market segmentation;life style;E-K-B Model
公開日期: 1996
摘要: 近年來,由於網際網路盛行以及電腦多媒體需求增加,造成影像掃瞄器( Image Scanner)市場的高度成長,更由於競爭造成價格調降,預估影像掃 瞄器將繼光碟機之後成為個人電腦的標準配備,所以未來的發展空間相當 大。因此本研究以消費者對於影像掃瞄器產品特性的評估準則作為市場區 隔化的基礎,並依此分析各區隔內大學生購買影像掃瞄器的消費行為,以 作為企業擬定行銷策略的參考。本研究以E-K-B模式為觀念性架構,探討 影像掃瞄器之產品特性、資訊尋求、購買動機、評估準則、購買選擇等變 數。在抽樣的計設上,依分層隨機比率配置法,對新竹地區大學生進行抽 樣調查。資料分析上,以因素分析將32個產品特性需求縮減成9個因素構 面,並將30題生活型態量表縮減成7個生活型態構面。之後以9個產品特性 需求構面為基礎,將所有有意願購買影像掃瞄器者分成三個市場區隔,分 別是最注重影像掃瞄品質的「品質導向群」、重視使用方便性的「使用方 便導向群」及對產品各方面要求最多的「完美主義導向群」,分群之後, 再以多變量變異數分析、卡方檢定研究發現北美消費者購買影像掃瞄器時 ,經由郵購管道的比例佔32%,而我國大學生購買影像掃瞄器時,則較習 慣向電腦商店購買,將來是否可發揮郵購的低房租人事開銷優點,使郵購 也可成為影像掃瞄器的銷售管道之一,是廠商值得進一步探討的方向。此 外,研究結果也發現一般大學生對於影像掃瞄器與其它電腦與印表機結合 的期望很高,所以將來是否可透過與PC及印表機廠商合作,採共同銷售或 內建的方式進行銷售,也是業者可以參考的方向。本研究並依據分析的結 果,針對各個市場區隔,分別提出產品策略、價格策略、通路策略及促銷 策略之行銷策略建議,以供廠商參考。 Recently, since the demand of multimedia computer is increasing and internet is getting more popular, the market scale of Image Scanner grow fast. Besides, prices of Image Scanner are tending downward, Image Scanner will tend to be a standard facility of personal computer, so Image Scanner have many market opportunity in the future. Thus, adopting evaluation criteria of Image Scanner for consumer as the basis of market segmentation, this research is trying to define and classify customers, discuss Image ScaThis research employs E-K-B model as the conceptual framework and takes the image scanner as an example to discuss following variables, there are "the product specialty", "information search", "evaluation criteria", "purchasing motivation" and "purchasing choices". The data collection has been carried out through the questionnaires done by Hsin-Chu area university students using stratified random sampling and proportion allocation method. As for data analysis, factor analysis is employed for reduce 32 produThe results of this research reveal that, there are 32% North American consumers purchase Image Scanner through "mail order" channel, but university student in Taiwan is used to purchasing Image Scanner in computer store. So whether "mail order" is able to change to be a mainly marketing channel for Image Scanner in Taiwan is worth discussing for image scanner firms. Likewise, the results of this research reveal that, university students in Taiwan have very high anticipation in Image Scanner combine with PCThis research eventually, aiming at each market segment market, presents suggestion for marketing strategies, inclusive of product strategy, pricing strategy, place strategy, and promotion strategy.
Appears in Collections:Thesis