Title: 組織管理之動態模式建構及其分析
A System Approach of Organizational Dynamics Using Transaction Cost Theory
Authors: 周佩燕
Chou, Michelle Pei-Yen
Shang-Jyh Liu
Keywords: 交易成本;系統動力學;組織學習;Transaction Cost;System Dynamics;Organization Learning
Issue Date: 1996
Abstract: 本研究主要探討的是組織動態決策模式,並以交易成本及組織經濟變數之 影響做為分析之工具。其中整合了資訊經濟學、系統動力學、賽局理論、 和組織學習,建構了一個可供分析「組織內部管理」、與「回應問題的解 決方案」的有效率模式。透過對交易成本來源的檢查和動態決策模式的模 擬,除了能夠將影響組織管理決策的各項因子具體化以外,也提供管理者 做為決策前事先評估執行方案之可行性的工具,同時模式中也對降低交易 成本與校正偏差行為的方法提供一些建議。本研究的討論重點在於「決策 品質」的探討,有別於傳統企業診斷所強調「點」的改善,本研究特別強 調「系統整體」的觀念,談企業整體性的改善;同時,不同於以往探討決 策時所假設的「靜態環境」,本研究強調決策與其回應行為是分步進行的 「動態環境」,亦即由組織、環境、決策、管理人、與被管理人所組成的 動態環境中的互動變化。動態檢驗模式主要分為三個步驟:第一是先依「 組織特性」、「問題特性」、「交易特性」來檢查各項解決方案的交易成 本來源。第二步驟是將各個解決方案放入動態模式中,以初級模式和校正 模式進行模擬,查看各解決方案在執行過程本論文中並以國內Fabless無 自有晶圓廠之半導體企業為主要研究對象,針對企業的「銷貨退回」問題 進行討論,並提出解決方案。 This study presents an analytical framework of organizational dynamics. It proposes a model that integrates the approach of Information Economics and System Dynamics, as well as the concepts of Game Theory and Learning Organization, into the Transaction Cost Economics. Simulation conducted in this approach consists of three major steps. To begin with, the incurred transaction costs due to decision alternatives are assessed by the characteristics of the interested issues, the organization architectures, and their transactions. It then goes to examine the outcomes of the alternatives that distortions are caused, repeatedly or cyclically, by asymmetric information and moral hazards. Finally, the feasible solutions that counterbalance the distortion and reduce the transaction costs of organizational management are proposed. This article applies a case study on fabless semiconductor corporate, where six alternatives are commonly found in daily operations for sales return, to illustrate its modeling approach.This study reveals that decisions made in an organization are aiming at intended objectives but often derailed towards unexpected outcomes. Taking into account the self-interest, coordination and motivation as the basic elements of interactions, as well as the organizatioas a dynamic system, become a necessity to gain the insight of enterprise management. This thesis differs from the traditional management studies that employ static analysis for business decision and phenomenal induction of success factors. It analyzes the organizational inefficiency on a sound basis of economic theories and de facto observation of organization behavior. The recommended model provides a system vision to illustrate the underlying problems of decision intents. It serves as a vehicle not only for logical thinking process, but also for a realistic approach to manage the organizational difficulties in the dynamic environment.
Appears in Collections:Thesis