Title: 順滑模態控制理論在機械臂施力控制之應用
Sliding-Mode Theory Applied to Force Control of Robotic Manipulators
Authors: 戴國霖
Tai, Kuo-Lin
Yon-Ping Chen
Keywords: 機械臂;強健性;順滑模態;順滑平面;互動力;施力控制;Manipulator;Robustness;Sliding-Mode Control;Sliding surface;Interactive force;Force control
Issue Date: 1996
Abstract: 為了使機械手臂發揮更大的功能,很多工作往往需要機械手臂與工作環境
做接觸,而 接觸所產生的互動力(interactive force)需要適當的控制
而非忽略。所以機械手臂施 力控制問題在機械人控制的領域中是一個極
富挑戰性的問題。 本論文針對機械手臂施力的
問題設計一控制器,在工作環境剛性程度不確定的條件之下 ,本控制器
假 設。機械手臂施力的模型經過適當的非線性轉換,可將施力部份與運
動部份解耦,如此 可以較容易達成控制器的設計。控制器的設計採用了
無抵達狀態順滑模態控制技巧,因 為環境模型的適當假設,力的微分量
無須量測即可達成相當不錯的施力控制效果。本控 制器因為適當的選取
順滑平面,所以控制器相當精簡容易實現。在數值的模擬方面,採 取一
的效果且 具有優越的強健性。
Lots of jobs assigned to a robot demand a constrained motion
contacting to the environment. To effectively operate a
robotic manipulator, the interacting force between the robot and
the environment should be accommodated rather than rejected.
Therefore, the robot force control tasks are very challenging
jobs. A robust force control of a robotic manipulator without
estimating the environment stiffness is presented in this
thesis. Some basic assumptions ofenvironment model and contact
conditions have been proposed. The dynamic model is modified to
contain two sets of state variables where one describes
theconstrained motion and the other describes the unconstrained
motion. Such force control scheme is no reaching phase sliding
mode technique. Without measure the force derivative value, this
algorithm is able to achieve excellent position and force with
unknown environment stiffness. This controller is laconic and
easy to implement. Simulation results are included to
demonstratethe success of the proposed controller.
Appears in Collections:Thesis