Title: 基於即時影像系統之自動導航車控制設計
Guidance Control Design of an Autonomous Vehicle Using Real-time Vision System
Authors: 林毅勳
Lin, Yih-Shiun
kai-Tai Song
Keywords: CCD影像感測器;自動導引車;自然路標;導航控制;CCD vision system;Autonomous mobile robot;natural landmarks;guidance control
Issue Date: 1996
Abstract: 在自動導航車的研究方面,服務性機器人是一個日趨明顯的趨勢;因 此,如何讓自動導航車能夠實際應用於現實環境是一個重要的研究方向。 為了能讓自動導航車在自然環境中運動,感測器的使用在自動導航車的導 航工作上扮演了一個十分重要的角色。在這方面影像感測器的使用已逐漸 成為一個必然的趨勢。本論文沿用本實驗室許馥疇學長所發展之影像系統 架構,在電路製作方面作了大幅的改善,並以ALTERA公司的FLEX10K EPLD 晶片完成邏輯線路的設計,完成一新的影像卡。電路的改善包含了以下兩 大部份:(1)大幅減少使用的邏輯元件數目,縮減電路面積。(2)提昇同步 動作的精確性,以提昇電路的穩定性。另外,以此影像系統為環境感測裝 置,完成了一自動導航車之影像導航控制設計。此導航控制設計是以讓自 動導航車能在本實驗室所在之大樓走廊上來回運動為目的,我們利用走廊 上的照明設備為路標,導引自動導引車能夠沿著照明設備前進而不至於迷 失方向。這一導航控制設計解決了基本的導航問題,並能推廣應用在完整 的自動導航車系統上。 Service robots have become an obvious tendency in the study of mobile robots. Therefore, it is an important issue to apply mobile robots to practical environments. To move in the real environment, the sensory device plays a important role in the navigation . The use of an image sensory device has become very attractive. Based on the previous developed image card in our laboratory, this thesis first developed an improved vision card for a mobile robot developed in this laboratory. Two main improvement have been accomplished.(1)reduce the size of circuit.(2)increase the stability of the circuit. Use this image card, this thesis proposed a guidance control design to make autonomous mobile travel on the corridor of the building. Choosing the lamp on the ceiling as landmark, this design has solve a general problem in the study of autonomous mobile robot.
Appears in Collections:Thesis