Title: | 大學生全球資訊網健康訊息需求調查暨發展研究--以交大學生為例 The Survey and Development Research of College Students* Health Message Demands on World Wide Web --A Case Study of NCTU Students |
Authors: | 江怡瑩 Jiang, Yi-Ying 周倩 Chien Chou Ph. D. 傳播研究所 |
Keywords: | 健康傳播;全球資訊網;使用性工程;設計原則與評估方法;health communication;World Wide Web;Usability Engineering;Design principles and Evaluation methods |
Issue Date: | 1996 |
Abstract: | 健康資訊是每個人都需要的重要資訊,因此以何種媒介適時適地傳送閱 聽人即時需要的健康資訊就顯得十分重要。網路新媒體即時、互動、文本 超鏈結的特性似乎可以成為傳播健康資訊頗合適的媒介。 本研究即要探 討台灣網路新媒體傳播健康資訊的既存現象與可能發展。首先概述何謂健 康傳播,次以網際網路上的全球資訊網功能為研究媒介,利用問卷調查找 出交大學生有關健康訊息需求、使用台灣目前既有的健康諮詢網頁情形, 及其希冀的健康諮詢網頁形式與內容。爾後研究者則根據受訪者的回答, 依照「使用性工程」的生命週期與美國耶魯大學醫學院「進階教學媒體中 心」整理的「網頁風貌導覽」原則,製作一符合本研究受訪者需求的健康 諮詢網頁。 研究發現,年齡在17-28歲之間,男性居多,專業背景多為理 工導向的研究主體的確有強烈的健康訊息需求,而他們希冀看到的是一般 的homepage階層式設計、圖文相佐、簡單描述病例症狀、提供深入淺出、 有關眼睛與視力保健、運動傷害復健內容、具廣度但非艱深醫學術語說明 的健康諮詢網頁。最後研究者根據他們的回答與網頁設計的使用性原則, 經專家與實驗室情境的使用者評估後,完成一專屬交大學生、具使用性的 健康諮詢網頁雛型,並置於交大傳播研究所的網頁下(http://www.icas. nctu.edu.tw/health.htm)。 Health information is important in our daily life. Thus, with what media todisseminate correct health message in time should be carefully concerned. The newinteractive, seamlessly connected and user-driven media such as Internet seems to bean appropriate communication tool. The purpose of this study is to figure out how NCTU students think about thecurrent native health-consulting Web pages in Taiwan, and what kind of health- consulting Web pages they expect to visit. This thesis will first introduce what "health communication" is, and present what NCTU students* health message demands are, what kind of contents they hope to put in a health-consulting Web Site, and what sort of form such this Web Site should be. In the end of the study, the author will follow theprinciples of "Usability Engineering" and the "Web Style Guide" made by Yale Centerof Advanced Instructional Media, actually built a Web Site to fulfill their expectation. In this study, we discover that these young NCTU students do need healthinformation in their daily life. They hope to own a general health-consulting Web Sitewhich combines texts and graphics only, simply but broadly teach them the knowledge about medicine, especially how to cure near- sightedness. What*s more, they also want to know what a healthy life should be. After knowing their demands and wishes, the author keeps these in mind, then follow the mentioned principles and guidelines to built a health-consulting Web Site especially for NCTU students. Under the expertsand users evaluation process, this health-consulting Web Site is proved to be usableIt*s URL is at http://www.icas.nctu.edu.tw./health.htm |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/61740 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |