標題: 傳統出版業跨足電子出版領域之進入策略研究-資源基礎理論觀點
The Strategy of publishing companies to enter multimedia industry-from the viewpoint of the resource base theory
作者: 呂綸秦
Lu, Lun Chin
陳光華, 崔家蓉
guang-hwa chern, jia-rong tsuei
關鍵字: 傳統出版業;電子出版業;資源基礎理論;publishing companies;multimedia;resource-base theory
公開日期: 1996
摘要: 中文提要: 本研究的目的在嘗試以資源基礎理論的觀點,檢視傳統出版 業與電子出版業的相異之處,作為傳統出版業跨足電子出版領域時的參考 依據。所謂多媒體出版品,其與一般印刷出版品最大不同點,在於一般出 版品是以文字、圖片為主,而多媒體出版品則使用數位化的技術,融合了 影片、圖像、動畫、聲音、文字、音樂和音效等,使閱讀立體化且具雙向 溝通的功能,大大改變了傳統出版品予人的刻板印象。正因為多媒體的龐 大魅力,吸引許多傳統出版業者想進入這個領域,當企業組織面臨這種跨 入不同經營領域的情形時,各種不同考量所產生的組織模式、購買決策、 經營形態就因應而生,像是內部自行發展、策略聯盟、外部收購等。本研 究試圖回答下列三個問題:一、 傳統出版公司與電子出版公司的組織資 源是否有差異?二、 傳統出版公司與電子出版公司的組織能力是否有差 異?三、 資源、能力的差異是否會產生策略性資源的差異,進而影響傳 統出版業者跨入電子出版領域時的進入方式?經過深度訪談與問卷調查的 資料蒐集與分析,獲致本研究的三個結論:一、傳統出版業與電子出版業 組織資源的差異: 根據T-test的分析結果,傳統出版業與電子出版業 在組織「資產」方面的確有顯著的差異。其中,傳統出版業在「法規資源 」方面擁有較多的優勢,而電子出版業在「定位資源」方面擁有較多的優 勢。二、傳統出版業與電子出版業組織能力的差異: 根據T-test的分 析結果,傳統出版業與電子出版業在組織「能力」方面的確有顯著的差異 。其中,傳統出版業在「企業功能」方面擁有較多的優勢,而電子出版業 在「企業文化」方面擁有較多的優勢。三、 資產、能力差異與策略性資 源、進入策略的關係: 企業資產與能力的差異,會導致策略性資源的 不同。根據資源基礎理論的觀點,傳統出版業在跨入電子出版領域時,宜 將「法規」與「企業功能」設定為其「策略性資源」,並據以發展進入策 略。而電子出版業則應視「定位」、「企業文化」為其策略性資源。 The purpose of this thesis is using the resource base theory to analysis the difference between traditional publishing industry and multimedia industry. Moreover, from the experiences of the successful companies, concluding the entry strategy and giving advise to companies who want to develop CD-ROM titles. From 1980, the traditional publishing industry is facing totally new challenge. CD-ROM title, a new kind of media, provides tremendous space to store huge amounts of data including sound, picture, animation and programs. It is very easy to store a whole set of encyclopedias onto one small disk. These unique characteristics make CD-ROM title more and more popular as a tool of education and entertainment. Its applications spread widely from museum collections, language learning, cartoon books, recipes, 3-D game, multimedia dictionaries and encyclopedias. Owing to the different production procedure, capital requirement, and organizational culture, it seems not easy for publishing companies to develop CD-ROM products. There are some publishing companies in Taiwan trying to enter this attractive new field. Some succeeded and some failed. How come does this difference exist? This thesis tries to answer three major questions:1. Is there any difference between traditional publishing company and multimedia company in organizational resources?2. Is there any difference between traditional publishing company and multimedia company in organizational ability?3. Whether the differences in resources and ability will influence the strategic resources and the entry strategy of a company or not?According to the questions above, this thesis sets up three major hypothesis :H01: There is no difference between traditional publishing company and multimedia company in organizational resources.H02: There is no difference between traditional publishing company and multimedia company in organizational ability. H03: If different resources or ability will lead to the differences instrategic resources and the entry strategy for traditional publishingcompanies when they want to develop CD-ROM titles? There are three major conclusions in this thesis:1. According to the T-test analysis, there are obvious differences between traditional publishing company and multimedia company in organizational resources. Publishing companies are superior in legitimate resources including contract, intelligent property, and industrial secret. Multimedia companies are superior in positional resources including machine and facility, financial structure, database, and network.2. According to the T-test analysis, there are obvious differences between traditional publishing company and multimedia company in organizational ability. Publishing companies are superior in organizational function including supplier know-how and channel know-how ability. Multimedia companies are superior in organizational culture ability including quality recognition, organizational learning, and management ability.3. The differences in organizational resources and ability will influence the entry strategy. According to the resource base theory, if traditional publishing companies want to develop CD-ROM titles, they should treat legitimate resources and organizational function as strategic resources and set up the entry strategy. On the other side, multimedia companies should treat positional resources and organizational culture ability as strategic resources to set up entry strategy.