Title: 物件導向之醫療文件處理系統的設計
Design of an Object-Oriented Medical Document Processing System
Authors: 李昭隆
Li, Jau Lung
Keywords: 物件導向
Issue Date: 1996
Abstract: 本論文提出醫療文件處理系統的分析及設計,此系統包含文件分析 This thesis proposes an analysis and design of a medical documents processing system,which includes techniques of document analysis, character recognition and database construc- tion. To integrate different modules designed by different teams, we adopt an object-rientedsystem. This structure has good reusability, efficiency, maintainability and flexibility. Three steps are included in the object-oriented system. The first step is static modeling, whichdescribes objects, relationships among objects and the system hierarchy. Here, objects aredefined by their attributes and funtions. The second step is dynamic modeling, which descrbessystem events and states flow control. The third step is functional modeling, which describesdata flow in the system. In the document processing system, we aim to process all kinds of medical documents. Amedical document may contain graphics, image, text, stamps and marks. The system will firstpreprocess the document and find out blocks of all object components in the document. Graphics blocks in the document will be vectorized; image blocks will be compreseed; text blocks will be recognized by OCR modules; mark blocks will be checked. All of these information iteamswill finally be stored into a database, which can provide users required information.
Appears in Collections:Thesis