標題: 一個 N-D 保密方法
An N-D Cryptoscheme
作者: 陳 N-D以德
Chen, I-Te
Yeh Yi-Shiung
關鍵字: 背包問題;未定性數字表示法;定性數字表示法;Knapsack;NNR;DNR
公開日期: 1996
摘要: 本文中,我們將介紹一個能把明文轉成未定性密文的保密系統,其未定性 主要因為我們用了未定性數字表示法(NNR),並與定性數字表示法( DNR)合併,而提出一個-D的保密系統。這個保密系統將工作在整數 域,換句話說,此系統的輸入與輸出都是數。〞一對多〞是其未定性的一 個重要特性,所以要破其密文;猜其明文,變得更加困。也更增強其安全 度。 In this paper, we proposed a new cryptosystem that can transform one plaintext to different ciphertexts nondeterministicly at different times. The propertie sof nondetermination come from the usage of nondeterministic number representa tion(NNR)system. Combined with a deterministic number representation(DNR)syst em, wepropose an N-D cryptoscheme. This cryptoscheme works on the scalar inte gerdomain, that is , both input and output are scalar integers. "One to many" ismost important property of nondetermination, makes the guess of plaintext m oredifficult, hence enforces the security.