標題: 玻璃纖維產業競爭策略分析--以大強森為例
An Analysis on the Competitive Strategies of Fiber Glass Industry in Taiwan --A Case Study of A Johnson Corporation
作者: 林宇茂
Yu-Mao Lin
關鍵字: 印刷電路板;玻璃纖維;printed circuit board;fiber glass yarn
公開日期: 2005
摘要: 依據2005年複合材料公會統計資料顯示,全球已有近7成的電子級玻纖紗及玻纖布是由台灣地區或台灣廠商製造,並行銷全世界,另FRP方面大陸本土廠商亦佔舉足輕重的份量。 本研究透過資料分析,專家訪談的研究方法,經由競爭廠商的經營策略分析,並參酌產業研究單位之長期經驗,得出一個結論供未來是項產業管理上的參考。 本研究的成果,是希望透過過去玻纖產業發生之大事、環境變化對各競爭廠商的影響,並預測本產業未來可能之趨勢,作為本產業經營者擬定經營策略之思考。
According to the statistic data from the Fiber Reinforce Plastic (FRP) Association, there are about 70 percentage of electrical fiber yarn and clothes made by Taiwanese manufactures who export worldwide in year 2005. Meanwhile, China Mainland’s manufacturers have got the most important position in FRP field. This research is completed through the method of data analysis, and expertiser discussion. And then, we give a conclusion for the future reference in the management of fiber glass field after we go through with those expert, research divisions under their long term practical experience and competitors’ management strategy in FRP industry field. The outcome of this research is built by the past events happened in fiber glass field and influenced by the industry environment change among competitors. We predict the tendency of fiber glass field in the future and give a refered thought for all managers during making business strategy.


  1. 153301.pdf
  2. 153302.pdf
  3. 153303.pdf
  4. 153304.pdf

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