Title: | 以系統模擬解決半連續性工廠的生產排程問題—以紡織業為例 Solving the Semi-continuous Production Scheduling Problem by Using System Simulation—A Case Study of Textile Industry |
Authors: | 王崇洋 Wang, Chung-Yang 陳安斌, 李慶恩 An-Pin Chen, Chin-An Lee 資訊管理研究所 |
Keywords: | 生產排程;半連續式;紡織工業;模擬;Production Scheduling;Semi-continuous;Textile Industry;System Simulation |
Issue Date: | 1996 |
Abstract: | 生產排程(Production Scheduling)在一般製造工廠,是一件令管理者 相當頭痛的問題。然而過去文獻在研究求解生產排程複雜的特性問題時, 大都假設工廠中的生產環境是盡可能處於理想狀況之下,以簡化問題之複 雜性。如ISO9000系列所規範的標準是以產能去推估交期,因此衍生的MRP 系統皆在相當的假設下去從事產能分析與建立生產排程,抑或透過各種數 學分析模式來滿足生產排程的目標函式,實務上均只能作為決策參考。尤 其是針對半連續式的紡織工業的生產環境而言,排程問題更是複雜,並沒 有既定的公式可以處理各種情況,而至目前為止,學理上亦尚未發展出可 獲本研究將嘗試導入離散式的系統模擬工具,配合工廠實際管理經驗與作 業規則,建立一整合的模擬排程模式以解決紡織業的生產排程問題。其中 系統將運用模擬技巧,以產生電腦輔助之排程甘特圖再與實際經驗排程所 得結果作一分析比較。經實際以宏遠紡織線上資料分析顯示,本研究之方 法有相當好的績效表現。 Production Scheduling is a tough program in many manufacture firms. In past years, most articles which researched to solve the complexity of production scheduling defined the product environment was in an ideal situation, and tried simplize the problem. As we know, in series ISO9000, the standard was defined by terminate of estimation. These relative MRP systems were to analysis output and to built the Production scheduling by such as definition or to met the target formula of production scheduling. InIn This research, we tying to use discrete system simulation tools to operate with the practice management and operation rule, to built a model of integrated simulation scheduling to solve the production Scheduling problem of textile Industry. This system will compare the result of real experience scheduling with Gant diagram which developed by the skill of simulation. By analysis the data of Ho-Yung Textile line, this research has a excellent performance. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/61853 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |