標題: 個人屬性、工作滿意、組織認同、組織性生涯發展與離職傾向之關聯性研究--- 以我國資訊產業R&D人員為例
An Empirical Study of the Relationship between Personal Attributes, Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment, Organizational Career Development and Turnover Intention---In the case of R&D personnel
作者: 陳亭妏
Chen, Tingwen
楊 千
Chyan Yang
關鍵字: 個人屬性;工作滿意;組織認同;組織性生涯發展;離職傾向;Personal Attributes;Job Satisfaction;Organizational Commitment;Organizational Career Development;Turnover Intention
公開日期: 1996
摘要: 本研究主要目的在探討資訊產業研發人員於工作滿意度、組織認同、組織 性生涯發展、個人屬性和離職傾向之間的關係。藉由本結果的研究,希望 能作為資訊產業在費盡心力留住研發人才時的一項參考。本研究利用問卷 蒐集資料,並對原始資料進行敘述統計分析、因素分析、多變量分析、多 元迴歸分析等統計運算方法。觀察研究結果後得到以下結論:1.個人屬性 多變量檢定結果如下:(1) 年齡對組織性技術生涯發展有顯著性差異( p = 0.1)。(2) 外部年資對組織領導滿足有顯著性影響(p = 0.1)。 (3) 內部年資對組織性技術生涯發展(p = 0.01)、工作本質滿足、組 織溝通滿足、組織提供的晉升及酬勞承諾、(p = 0.05)人際滿足、升遷 滿足、價值認同努力承諾(p = 0.1)有顯著性差異。(4) 婚姻狀況對 工作本質滿足、態度與留職承諾、組織性技術生涯發展有顯著性差異(p = 0.1)。2. 在不考慮交互作用的迴歸模式中,影響離職意願之因素依 其重要性依序為態度與留職承諾、價值認同努力承諾、收入滿足、組織提 供的晉升及酬勞承諾。3. 在進一步考慮交互作用項與離職傾向之關連的 迴歸模式中,影響離職意願之因素依其重要性依序為態度與留職承諾、價 值認同努力承諾、收入滿足、組織性管理生涯發展和價值認同努力承諾的 交互作用項、組織性管理生涯發展和價值認同努力承諾的交互作用項。這 五項因素均予離職傾向呈現顯著的負相關。4. 本研究所含之因素對離職 傾向的總變異解釋能力達50%以上。 Research and Development personnel from the firms of information industry in Taiwan were sampled in the study of influence on turnover intention. Recent models of turnover ( e.g., Mobley, Horner, & Hollingsworth, 1979; Steers & Mowday, 1981; Price, 1981)and organizational commitment (e.g., Steers & Porter, 1979; Mowday & Porter & Steers, 1982) were reviewed. While the literature suggests a multiplicity of causal influence, the investigation focuses on specific factors of job satisfaction, organizational comThe outcomes of MONOVA reveal that (1) there are significant differences among organizational technical career development when considering age. (2) There are significant differences among satisfaction of organizational leading when considering number of working year the interviewee has. (3) When considering number of year the interviewee work in the present company, there are significant differences among organizational technical career development, satisfaction of job nature, satisfaction of organizationaThe results of the regression model indicate that approximately 50 percents of the variance (R2) in turnover intention is explained by factors mentioned above. The main findings of this study revealed that factors from organizational commitment are the most important influences on turnover intention. And all the factors discussed in this study have negative relationship with turnover intention. Further more, the findings suggest areas of content for management training and development to enhance retention.