標題: 單腳跳動機器之系統分析與設計
System Design and Analysis of A One-Legged Hopping Machine
作者: 黃龍生
Huang, Long-Shing
蔡中, 邱俊誠
Chun Tsai, Jin-Chern Chiou
關鍵字: 單腳;跳動機器;one leg;hopping machine
公開日期: 1996
摘要: 本論文研製之單腳跳動機器之系統分析與設計,由理論與實作上對單腳 跳動機器做有系統的分析與設計。單腳跳動機器為本身只具有一隻有彈性 的腳和身體,在身體內含電子電路、感測器、致動器等等。在腳和身體連 接的地方為像關節的連接器,使得腳可以來回擺動,在跳動中保持機器的 平衡,而在著地時不會摔倒。單腳跳動機器,有原地跳動不倒、走路、跑 步、跳躍、走樓梯、前空翻、後空翻的動作能力。在理論分析上,建立數 學模型、分析系統特性、設計控制方法、並做數值模擬。數學模型由地面 模型開始,經一維模型、二維模型、到三維模型。在實作設計上,包含軟 體、硬體與實驗。軟體部分,包含作業系統、通訊程式、控制程式、CAD 工具程式、數值模擬程式、動畫表現等的介紹及設計。硬體部分,包含電 路設計、機械結構設計、電機機械設計、電力電子電路設計、通訊電子電 路設計、系統結構設計、介面設計、感測元件設計、致動器設計、訊號傳 遞轉換設計等等。在實驗上,設計一些實驗的項目、步驟、和測試方法。 最後,討論單腳跳動機器的瓶頸所在,系統整合上的優點、缺點、可行性 ,及系統整合的效率。 A procedure is on the system design and analysis of a one- legged hopping machine. The one-legged hopping machine has only a springy leg and body. The body includes electronic circuit, sensor, and actuator. This one-legged hopping machine can do hopping, walking, running, and somersault. In the analysis, we construct mathematical model, analyze its system behavior, designcontrol rules, and run computer simulations. In mathematical model, we construct ground model, one dimensional model, two dimensional model, and three dimensional model. In the design, we include software, hardware, and experiment. In software part, we design and descibe OS system, communication program. In hardware part, we include electronic circuit design, mechanical structure design, sensor and actuator design, interface design, and system architecture design. In experiment part, we design a method of experiment and testing. Finally, we discuss the performance for doing system integration and the problems in implementation.
Appears in Collections:Thesis