標題: 核廢料運送之風險認知實證研究
An Emperical Study For Perceived Risks of Radioactive Waste Transportation in Taiwan
作者: 龔秋桂
Kung, Chiu-Kuei
吳壽山, 丁承
Sou-Shan Wu, Cherng G. Ding
關鍵字: 核廢料;風險認知;Radioactive Waste;risk perception
公開日期: 1996
摘要: 核電爭議、核廢處置問題在即將邁入二十一世紀的台灣,已非純粹的 科技問題,早已脫離科技範疇,進入社會、政治議題的界域。本研究主旨 為引介歐美國家近來興起的風險認知研究理論,希望針對核廢運送議題透 過台灣地區的實證資料,剖析國內民眾對核廢處置的爭議淵源,期望研究 成果能有助於了解一般民眾對核廢料運送問題的風險認知高低,以便研擬 有效的風險溝通策略,解決因風險認知差異所導致的衝突。本研究主要探 討以下五個主題:1、民眾對核廢料運送之風險認知為何?2、民眾是贊成 或反對核廢料運送?反對民眾特質及其反對理由為何?3、民眾對於提高 運送安全的方案看法如何?4、民眾獲取核廢料運送資訊的來源管道是什 麼?5、民眾對有關單位的信賴度如何?本研究採郵寄問卷方式收集資料 ,並選擇國內一般民眾作為調查研究對象,共郵寄1765份問卷,有效問卷 共計210份,基於本研究之樣本結構,研究結果發現:一、約半數的民眾 是屬於「普通」了解,而核能輻射了解尚多及具專業知識之民眾比例明顯 偏低;核能輻射了解程度高低隨著教育程度及職業不同而有差異,軍公教 民眾較其他行業民眾對核能輻射了解程度為高。換言之,教育程度在國中 以下或職業是務農之民眾對核能輻射了解相當有限。二、民眾對運送與暫 時貯存兩種風險大小比較之認知呈現明顯的分歧,印証民眾對核電風險認 知屬於不熟悉的特質。三、近半數民眾認為目前核廢料運送方式是安全, 但亦有三成五的民眾表示無意見;而認為運送方式不安全的民眾中是以國 中以下教育程度之民眾佔多數。四、在核廢料運送過程可能產生的危害中 ,民眾最關切的是對生態環境與人體健康的危害,社經層面的衝擊則居次 。五、近半數民眾贊成低核廢料運送,反對者有二成,三成民眾則表示無 意見;反對低核廢料運送的最大理由為可能遭遇人力不可抗拒之意外;反 對核廢料運送之民眾特性是:女性較男性多、教育程度為國中以下者居多 、認為運送比暫時貯存風險「大很多」者及對目前核廢料運送方式認為「 不」安全者。六、各行業之民眾均將嚴密的事前安全檢查與嚴格並廣泛地 訓練駕駛人員視為提高運送安全最重要的方案。七、民眾獲取核廢料運送 相關資訊的第一來源為電視、收音機。八、對相關團體的信賴度,群眾的 認知是以核能學者專家為信賴度最高的對象,政府機關則敬陪末座。 Steping into a new era of twenty-one centuries, Taiwan is now facing the issues of nuclear power dispute and nuclear waste disposal, whcih are not merely associated with technological but also social and political aspects. The main purpose of this research is to analyze the dispute origin of the general public by risk perception theory and empirical data from Taiwan district to help understand the exitet of perceived risks of radwaste transportation issue, and to work on effective communication strategies and dissolve the dispute resulting from the perceived risk discrepancies.Five main topics are investigated in this paper:1.What is the extent of perceived risks of the general public regarding radwaste transportation?2. Is the general public for or against radwaste transportation? What are the characteristics and motivations of those people who are against?3.What is the attitude of the general public toward the strategies on enhancing transportation security?4.What are the sources of information for the general public concerning radwaste transportation?5.What is the extent of reliance of the general public upon associated organizations?The data are collected from the questionnaines which are forwarded to the general public. There are totally 1765 copies of questionnaines delivered and 210 returned copies are valid, which are referred to as the sample structrues. The results of this investigation are summerized as follows.1.Over fifty percent of the general public falls to the "understand" category and the percentage of the general public with profesional background is apparently low; the extent of understanding toward nuclear radiation varies with the education and profession background. The soliders, public servants and education workers have better understanding than people from other walks of life in nuclear radiation. In other words, people with education background below junior high school and farmers have very limited understanding.2.Obvious discrepancies is found in the extent of awareness of general public toward the risk comparison between transportation and storage.3.Over fifty percent of the general public consider the radwaste transportation to be safe. Howerer, about 35% reveal no comment.4.Among the possible impact during the course of radwaste transportation, the general public most concern the impact to environmental ecology and human health. Social- economic concern goes to the second place.5.Near fifty percent of the general public are infavor of low level waste transportation; The undeniable accident is the main reason for opposition. The characteristics of the general public who are against radwaste transportation are: more female than male, education background mostly below junior high school, considering much higher risk in transportation than in interim storage, and considering the current radwaste transportation unsafe.6.The general public consider the safety checkup in advance and both stringent and comprehensive training for the drivers to be the most important factor to guarantee the radwaste transportation safety.7.The main source of information regarding radwaste transportation for the general public is television and radio broadcast.8.The general public most rely on the scholars and experts in the nuclear field. The reliability of the government organizations falls to the last place.