標題: 半導體業組織擴張之工作環境變化探討及其對員工創造力意涵之探討
Semiconductor Companies’ Organizational Expansion and Change in Work Environment:Implications for Employee Creativity
作者: 何全煜
Chuan-Yu Ho
Dr. Yau-De Wang
關鍵字: 半導體業;組織擴張;創造力;Semiconductor Industry;Organizational expansion;Employee creativity
公開日期: 2005
摘要: 摘要 本研究探討台灣半導體業組織擴張的作法、擴張期間的組織氣氛,及對員工的影響,進而推論組織擴張期間之工作環境改變對員工創造力的意涵。本研究訪談新竹科學園區10家以製造為主之半導體公司的19位員工,研究發現台灣半導體業組織擴張的作法主要為蓋新廠,以及利用既有廠房擴張、併購他廠及由其他廠商投資機器設備。擴張期間因為組織結構及組織層級增加、詳細的工作說明與工作要求、過度樂觀、目標明確且以生產為導向、管理的工作量大及複雜化,員工經驗到的組織氣氛以負面的成分居多,組織擴張期間員工個人的感受也是負面大於正面。根據個人發揮創造力所需要的環境因素推論,這樣的工作環境對員工的創造力是弊多於利的。如何兼顧組織發展與營造一個讓員工個人的創造力得以發展、發揮的環境是組織需要加以重視的。
Abstract Taiwan Semiconductor industries have experienced fast growth in the past 20 years. The purpose of this case study was to explore the potential impacts of their organization expansion on employee’s creativity. Nineteen managers from 10 semiconductor manufacturing companies were interviewed. From their retrospection, we found that Taiwan semiconductor industry usually expanded their organizations by means of: building new FABs, expansion of the existing working spaces, merge, and seeking investment capital for fab facility from the third party. During the organization expansion period, there were some negative elements that might have negative effects on employees’ creativity such as the fast development of organizational structure and levels, detailed and strick job descriptions and requirements, raised expectation on company’s prospect; clear target on production, more complicated and heavy demands on management. From these managers recollections, we infer that organization expansion often takes a toll of employee’s creativity.


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