標題: 功能分解式物件導向設計方法與環境設計
Functional Decomposition Object-Oriented Design and Environment Design
作者: 黃振量
Huang, Zhen-Liang
Zhong, Qian-Gui
關鍵字: 物件導向;功能分解式;資訊;電腦科學;Object-Oriented;Functional Decomposition;INFORAMTION;COMPUTER-SCIENCE
公開日期: 1996
摘要: The ObjeCtives of this research is to propose : (1)an object-
oriented design method, FDOOD method, based on the result of
FDOOA method (2)new metrics to measure the cohesion and coupling
of classes, and (3)an approach to reuse the architecture of
object-oriented software. The major procedures of FDOOD
includes (1)defining the implement classes and their
relationship based on the class model which consists of all
domain-specific classes of the problem. (2)defining when each
object should be constructed/destructed, (3)defining data type
for each attribute of class, and (4)designing the algorithm for
each operation of the class. To measure the quality of
architecture of object-oriented software, this thesis proposes
to measure the complexity the software architecture, the
cohesion of each class, and the coupling of classes. Since the
available cohesion and coupling metrics have some shortages,
this thesis propose two metrics of measure the cohesion and
coupling of classes. To measure the cohesion of a class, the
semantic network of the class is constructed first. The cohesion
of a class can be computed from the shortest paths of each two
operations and each two attributes. Coupling between classes can
be classified as inheritance-coupling and use-coupling. Two
metrics to measure inheritance-coupling and use-coupling are
proposed. For the reuse of software architecture, we
propose to use the domain-specific classes and their
relationship produced in the analysis stage to retrieve the
similar reusable architecture for reuse. The formula to compute
the similarity of reusable architecture is designed. The
designer should examine the content of the retrieved
architecture to verify their suitability. The reuse procedure
has been incorporated into the FDOOD method. An FDOOD
environment on IBM PC with Windows 95 is designed, and
implemented with C language and APOC Object-Oriented Database
Management System.