Title: | 車輛行車事故鑑定資訊與技術需求之調查研究 A Study for the Need of Information and Technique for Traffic Accident Adjudicators |
Authors: | 陳新彬 Chen, Hsin-Bin 張新立, 陳武正 Chang Hsin-Li, Chen Wu-Cheng 運輸與物流管理學系 |
Keywords: | 交通;事故;鑑定;資訊;技術;Traffic;Accident;Adjudication;Information;Technique |
Issue Date: | 1997 |
Abstract: | 摘要確定駕駛人、車輛、道路及環境等因素對事故發生之影響,是車輛行 車事故之鑑定作業之首要任務。因此收集足夠且正確之交通事故資訊乃成 為作好交通事故鑑定工作之必備條件。此外,如何將所收集得之交通事故 資訊,應用事故鑑定之理論與技術,整理歸納出事故發生之過程及導致事 故發生之原因,則更是提升事故鑑定品質不可或缺之技能。本研究基於收 集正確事故資訊及研習事故鑑定技術對提升我國事故鑑定技術之重要,乃 嘗試對我國事故鑑定作業參與人對「事故鑑定資訊與技術」重要性之認知 與瞭解程度、使用之經驗、及需要指導與協助之強度等課題進行研究,以 作為未來規劃相關訓練課程之參考依據。本研究首先透過國內外交通事故 重建相關文獻之回顧,將行車事故鑑定作業中「所需之資訊」與「可用之 技術」作有系統之整理與歸類。繼而參酌國內現有事故鑑定作業之現況, 挑選有關「人」之鑑定資訊與技術問題七個、有關「車輛」與「道路」之 問題各十個、及有關「環境」之問題六個,透過問卷設計對我國事故鑑定 作業之參與人(含交通員警、事故鑑定委員、法官、及檢察官)進行訪問 ,以瞭解他們對事故鑑定作業資訊與技術之瞭解程度、滿意程度、使用頻 度與信心、及需要之協助與指導。 本研究之結果顯示,交通事故鑑定 人員大多仰賴車輛駕駛之偵訊筆錄及對駕駛人之描述資訊,以作為事故鑑 定之主要依據。雖然交通事故鑑定人員均表示認知「車輛」、「道路」及 「環境」資訊對事故之重要性,也對相關鑑定技術之使用深表信心,惟對 許多事故鑑定技術之使用仍都渴望獲得指導與協助。顯示我國交通事故鑑 定人員在鑑定專業技術之訓練上仍 有許多尚待努力之地方。本研究除了 發覺問題外,並透過進一步之分析以探索更多之資訊,以作為規劃未來訓 練課程之參考。 A Study for The Need of Information and Technique for Traffic Accident Adjudicators Student:Chen,Hsin-Bin Advisur: Chang,Hsin-Li Institute of Traffic and Transportation Abstract In order to determine the liability for the traffic accident involved drivers,sometimes traffic accident adjudication is needed. The sufficiency and accuracy of information about the accidents are the most important components to guarantee the quality of traffic accident adjudication.However,some knowledge and technique to analyze how an accident occurs are also requircd for the adjudicators. This research is undertaken to study the need of information and technique for traffic accident adjudicators.The key information about the traffic accidents and techniques to reconstruct the accident occurrence are first drawn through litcrature review.Then a survey was conducted to ask traffic accident adjudicators about their satisfaction to the quality of accident information collected by accident investigators as well as their need for technical help during reconstructing the accidents. The study results show the traffic accident adjudicators highly rely on the description about the involved drivers and the statcments of involved drivers to analyze how the accident occur.Though most of the adjudicators do their jobs with confidence,however a significant proportion. of adjudicators still expect to have some technical instruction to help them analyze how an accident occur and who should be responsible to the accident. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/62604 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |