Title: 行駛間小型車輛污染排放之研究
The Research on Exhaust Emissions of Moving Light-Duty Vehicles
Authors: 張國華
Chang, Kuo-Hua
Cheng-Min Feng
Keywords: 遙測;remote sensing;emission
Issue Date: 1997
Abstract: 車輛持有率與使用率急遽增加,不僅消耗大量能源亦形成空氣污染問
度空 窗期。
表燃 油與碳氫化合物,故遙測數據意義在於相對大小,目前僅適用於
篩選高污染 群。未來可透過遙測、怠速與車體動力計三者量測結果關係
之探討,訂定高 污染管制標準。
污染 管制標準之制訂。
The mounting growth of car uses not only result in a
considerable energy consumption, but also a great amount of
car pollutants released which bring about severe air-
pollution problem. Thanks to the application of remote
sensing technologies developed recently, research of moving
polluted sources are expanded and exhaust emissions control
technologies are widely used. The research concerning
remote sensing technologies which is applied to the inspection
of measuring exhaust emissions of light-duty vehicles in Taiwan
is still few and far in between. This study is a research by
stages in which statistical models are established and
analysis are carried out, base on the data of exhaust
emissions of light-duty vehicles. This research is expected
to give more broad interpretation on the characteristies of the
data collected by the remote-sensing technologies,which can be
the basis of improving exhaust emissions control in the future.
The conclusions are listed as followings:
The first characteristic of remote sensing technologies which
collects a great amount of samples can reflect the real
situation of our society, and can make up a loss between two
periods of fixed-time inspections. The second
characteristic of remote sensing technologies is that because
the combustion equation is used as the theory of measurement and
CH2 and C3H8 represent fuel and hydrocarbon, respectively,
the meaning of the data lies on the comparative basis. This
technology should be applied to screen the most polluted
groups. The standard of the highest limit of exhaust emissions
can be contributed to the relationship among three elements:
remote sensing, tailpipe test, and dynamometer in the future.
The third characteristic of remote sensing technologies is that
although regarded as the useful way for measuring the degree
of exhaust emissions, two bottlenecks are still raised: the
accuracy of remote sensing data, and contribution of the
standard of the highest limit of exhaust emissions. The
fourth characteristic which refers to the main causes of the
exhaust emissions of light-duty vehicles are poor
maintenance, and different vehicle's brand.
The fifth characteristic indicates that inspection and
maintenance (I&M) programs are the most imminent for the
policy of mitigating exhaust emissions.
Appears in Collections:Thesis