Title: | 液化石油氣車輛使用特性與使用意願之研究 A Study on The Characteristics of Liquefied Petroleum Gas Vehicles And Peoples Willingness to Use Them |
Authors: | 廖一嶸 Liao, I-Long 徐 淵靜 Yuan-ching Hsu 運輸與物流管理學系 |
Keywords: | 近年來,由於國內汽機車輛急遽的增加,大量運輸能源的使用;,所衍生的空氣污染物為造成都會區空氣品質惡化的主因,基於70年代;的能源危機及90年代的環保訴求,世界各國政府莫不致力於各種替代能;源的研究.液化石油氣(Liquefied Petrolem GAS.簡稱LPG)為潔淨的氣體;燃料,並具經濟.環保效益,鑑於先進國家之研發推廣不但蔚為風氣且已;見成效,據此,對地狹人稠的台灣而言,需求應尤為殷切.因此本研究以;敘述性偏好法(Stated Preference Methed)設計問卷,蒐集資料,採用;客觀權重法評估車主之使用意願,並以簡單迴歸分析估算各項屬性門檻值;,以作為研擬 LPG 汽車推廣策略之參考. 研究結果顯示,現;行瓦斯車使用者對 LPG 汽車之安全性及故障頻率尚感滿意,馬力及操控;性能尚能接受,惟對燃料添加之方便性及改裝車型限制評價不滿意,由此;可見欲成功推廣 LPG 車,增設加氣站及改裝保養廠是十分重要之課題.;除此,車主對於改裝 LPG 系統之相關資訊不足,譬如車型限制.何處改;裝.補助方式.使用特性等訊息,亟應透過各種媒體廣泛宣導.;In the recent years,the number of vehicles in big Cities has;increased so rapidly that the density of vehicles in Taiwan has;become the highest in the world.Air pollutants generated through;energy consumption of transportration has been the major cause;of aur quality deterioration in urban areas.In response to;worldwide energy crisis in the sevenies and people's request for;envioronmental proctection in the nineties,many countries have;made efforts in the research for energy alternatives.Liquefied;Petroleum Gas(abbreviated as LPG)has been used as one of the;alternative fuel in some developed countries.This clean gas fuel;has become more and more popular owing to its econmical and;environmental effectiveness.In densely populated areas like;Taiwan,pepol's demand for LPGvehicles is supposed to be even;stronger. Stated Preference Method was used in designing;questionnaires for this study,Sufficient information was;collected.Ownes of LPG vehicles were interviewed.Objective;Weighting Method was used to evaluate the willingness to chose.;Single Regress Method was used to ca;culate the thresholds of;ocnsumer's demand.Allof these were done in favor of developing;policies for the promotion of LPG Vehicles. As shown by the;results of the study,most users of LPG vehicles are satisfied;with their safety,horsepower,driving control,and low breakdown;frequency.Nevertheless,the inconvenience of refueling and the;limitation of vehicles type for fuel system change are not;acceptable.Thus in order to promote LPG vehicles successfully,;more LPG gas stations and garages for fuel system change will be;needed.In addition,information related to LPG vehicles such as;limitation of vehicles type,where to change the fuel system, and;so on should be widely propagated by the mass media.hange the;fuel sys;□abc |
Issue Date: | 1997 |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/62622 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |