DC 欄位語言
dc.contributor.authorTseng, Chun-Mingen_US
dc.contributor.author陳武正, 周文生en_US
dc.contributor.authorWu-Cheng Chen, Wen-Sheng Chouen_US
dc.description.abstract計程車係國內最重要之副大眾運輸工具,其迅速、便利之特性正可彌補 汽車客運之不足,成為許多民眾喜用之運具。因此國內計程車車輛及駕駛 人數量不斷成長,計程車市場出現供過於求之惡性競爭、服務水準不佳違 規脫序行為等問題。為讓民眾感受到計程車安全、舒適、便利、可靠之高 品質服務水準,鼓勵計程車業者爭取優良企業形� t良好服務品質,對於 計程車服務品質之良莠實施評鑑實有其必要性。然國內過去甚少對計程車 實施評鑑工作,更無一套完整、成熟的計程車評鑑制度,做為定期性執行 評鑑工作之依據,因此本研究以品牌計程車f$ t為例,研擬一套計程車評 鑑制度,以作為往後計程車評鑑之參考 本研究一面界定以可靠、舒適、安全及便利等為計程車服務水準評鑑標的 ,同時廣泛蒐集服務水準評鑑指標,初擬出學者、管理者、業者及消費者 認為重要之指標,惟為避免因顧及指標之齊備性而運用大量評鑑指標造成 評鑑工作之冗長煩瑣外,甚至因指標間具有相當高的關聯程度,造成評鑑 的偏差而不自知,本研究藉由灰色關聯分析模型,判斷指標間不確定之關 聯性,自較完整之初擬指標中擷取出具代表性、低關聯度的十六個評鑑指 標,同時加入AHP模型估算得評鑑指標之相對權重。最後並著手建立服務 水準評鑑方法,包括研提服務水準評鑑的工作事項、建構服務水準評騾構 、研擬評鑑結果展現與獎懲辦法及評鑑程序等。 最後以台北縣品牌計程車為實例,進行調查與評鑑,說明此評鑑方法的運 作過程,並對所獲致之結果做一解釋。實際評鑑過程中發現,評鑑項目中 之乘客申訴件數、非法聚眾活動數及司機之優劣紀錄主管機關並無完整建 擋之資料,缺失方面如大部分計程車未依規定黏貼申訴電話等僅供主管機 關參考。 The taxicab is the most important secondary mass transportation tool in the nation. Its speed and convenience compensate for the inadequacy of cars and buses, making it the favorite mode of transportation for many people. However, as the number of taxicabs and taxi drivers continue to grow, supply is more than demand in the taxi market, which has resulted in problems such as unhealthy competition, poor service standard, and disorderly and law-breaking behaviors. To allow the public to enjoy the high-qualityservice standard, including safety, comfort, convenience and reliability, offered by taxicabs, and encourage taxicab operators to strive for a good corporate image and service quality, it is necessary to implement an assessment of the service quality of taxicabs. However, very little effort have been made in the past to assess taxicabs in Taiwan. There is also no complete and established system for assessing taxicabs, to which the task of regular assessment may be based on. Therefore, this Study seeks to design a system for taxicab assessment, based on the assessment of branded taxicabs, as a reference for future assessment. The Study began by defining reliability, comfort, safety and convenience, etc., as the benchmark for assessing the standard of taxicab service. At the same time, indicators for assessing service standard were widely gathered from academicians, management-level persons, businesses and consumers to form an initial collection of important indicators. To avoid making the assessment work long and tedious due to the use of a large number of assessment indicators, having emphasized too much on the completeness of indicators, and to avoid using indicators that are highly related, which result in a bias assessment inadvertently, the Study uses the gray relational analysis model to determine the uncertain relation between indicators. From the rather complete list of indicators gathered initially, 16 assessment indicators which are representative and low relational were obtained. At the same time, the AHP model was used to estimate the relative weight of assessment indicators. Finally, a method for assessing service standard was then built, including the determination of tasks required in assessing service standard, construction of the structure for assessment of service standard, and determination of presentation of assessment result, method of reward/penalty and assessment procedure. At the end, the method was applied on taxicabs in Taipei county. Investigation and assessment were carried out, the application process of the said assessment method explained, and the result obtained interpreted. During the actual process of assessment, it was discovered that the authority concerned did not have a complete and documented set of data on the number of complaints filed by passengers, number of illegal gathering and performance record of taxi drivers, and in terms of deficiency, most taxicabs did not paste the passenger complaint telephone number on their cars according to regulation. The above discoveries are merely provided as reference for the authority concerned.zh_TW
dc.subjectLevel of Serviceen_US
dc.subjectGrey Relational Analysisen_US
dc.titleStudy of the Assessment of the Service Standard of Taxicabsen_US