標題: 供需不平衡下的計程車派車模式
The unequilibrium demand and supply model for taxi dispatching
作者: 劉詩敏
Liu Shih-Min
Jin-Yuan Wang
關鍵字: 計程車;派遣;路網模式;taxi;dispatch;network model
公開日期: 2006
摘要: 對於計程車派遣中心而言,如何能根據需求來進行適當的車輛調度為最重要的一項課題,有效率的調度方式可以讓計程車的載客率提高,空車巡迴繞車時間減少,也可以滿足顧客需求。 然而實際的計程車司機在選擇等待區位時,往往會根據過去的經驗法則去選擇區位等待顧客,因此常會發生有較多需求的地方會吸引過多的司機前往演變成供過於求,而需求較少的地方反倒沒有司機前往,導致需求無法被滿足,再加上現行的計程車供給數量是多過於需求,因此要如何去派遣既有的計程車去滿足各區各時段的需求成為重要的課題。對於派遣中心而言,要衡量各區的供需狀況主要是根據各區的空車閒置時間來作一個衡量,閒置時間過長的地區代表該區供過於求,反之閒置時間過短則代表需求無法被滿足,因此閒置時間也將是本研究在計算各區供需狀況衡量的主要考慮因素。 本研究將發展一套利用路網概念的數學模式,從該模式可以得知各區的空車閒置時間,進而知道如何分派既有的計程車去滿足各區所產生的需求。本研究也將利用兩個可以預測結果的範例去印證模式具有極佳的解釋性,從模式計算出來的結果也發現符合先前預測的狀況。
How to allocate taxis properly and effectively in order to meet the demands is an important issue for taxi dispatching centers. A well designed allocation plan can meet the demands in each area, reduce for waiting time for drivers, and increase the service level. Traditionally, taxi drivers select their cruising regions based on the amount of demands. The drawback is that the areas with more demands usually attract too many taxis and result in long idle time. On the contrary, customers in low-demand areas may spend more time on waiting for a vacant taxi. The purpose of this research is proposing a model for generating an effective taxis allocation plan considering the unequilibrium of demand and supply. A network model and its associated solution procedures are developed to address this issue. We use several examples to test the performance and correctness of our model. The testing results show that the model is appropriate and can be applied to practical operations.


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