Title: 投影電視用反射式液晶光閥之評估與探討
Evalution and Investigation on Reflective Liquid Crystal Light Valves for Projection Displays
Authors: 廖炳傑
Liao, Bing-Jei
Chen Shu-Hsia
Keywords: 液晶顯示器;投影電視;反射式;高開口率;高對比度;低色差;liquid crystal display;projection display;reflective;high aperature ratio;high contrast ratio;low color dispersion
Issue Date: 1997
Abstract: 本論文主旨在探討如何利用電腦模擬來評估液晶顯示器的光學品質,
以得到最佳 的製作參數組合,使得投影電視用反射式液晶光閥之性能
可以達到高亮度、高對比度 、低色差的要求,並藉由此最佳製作參數
組合製作單一獨立畫素的液晶盒樣品,量測 其光電特性。另外,我們
從液晶連續體彈性形變理論與瓊斯矩陣(Jones Matrix)著手 模擬液晶
擬建立 不加電壓狀態時之二維參數空間光學品質評估圖;同時為了分
析Reflective Chiral Homeotropic(RCH)顯示模式的光學品質,我們
也用電腦模擬來建立新型加上電壓狀態 時之二維參數空間光學品質評
估圖。經由我們的電腦模擬和實驗證明RCH 液晶盒其正 向方向的對比
還不能達到 真正的無色差的純中性色表現。
twist和 Multi-β的方法,經由模擬和實驗結果得到驗證,確實可
使紅、綠、藍三色光具有相 同的光電特性曲線,在相同驅動電路下,
可使三片式投影系統達到最高光調變效率及 最佳色彩平衡。
The aim of this thesis is to evaluate the optical properties
of reflective- type liquid crystal displays (RLCDs),
especially, for the applications in projection display. We
have investigated the methodology and found the
optimized operation conditions of RLCDs, by using a computer
simulation, to meet the requirement of high brightness,
high contrast ratio, and low color dispersion. LC cells of
single pixel were also fabricated and its electro-optical
(EO) performance was measured and compared to the simulation
In the computer simulation,we have created two-dimensional (2D)
parameter space diagrams to analyze the influence of the
twist angle, natural retardation, and polarizer
angles on the optical properties of reflective twisted-
nematic (RTN) modes at voltage-off state. It was found that the
brightness of a conventional 45° TN cell can be enhanced by
changing the polarizer angle to -10°. Similar diagrams
were also established for a Reflective Chiral Homeotropic
(RCH) mode, while biasing at different voltages. The
best parameters of a RCH mode can be easily obtained from
these diagrams to optimize the brightness and the contrast ratio
at the same time. However, a real colorless appearance
for all gray levels still can not be obtained.
The color balance of a projection display using three LCD light
valves can be further improved by employing multi-twist
and multi-polarization method. The twist and the
polarization angles of RLCD panels for red, green, and
blue light, respectively, can be adjusted individually to
obtain the same EO characteristics. Excellent performances of
balanced color, high brightness, and high contrast ratio
have been confirmed by the computer simulation as well
as the experimental results.
Appears in Collections:Thesis