標題: 促成公平競爭及產業發展之電信政策研究
A Telecom Policy Research for the Promotion of Fair Competition and Industry Development in Taiwan
作者: 江長承
Jiang, Chung-Chang
Hsiao-Cheng Yu
Zhao-Yang Tong
關鍵字: 網路接續;資費管制;普及服務;Interconnection;Tariff regulation;Universal service
公開日期: 1997
摘要: 電信自由化的精神在於開放市場,促進競爭,期使整個通訊產業能 欣欣向榮。然而,電信市場開放之後,並不表示一定會有助於電信市場 的競爭與成長,因為若無一公平競爭的電信環境,新進業者可能並無生 存之空間。 本論文探討的重心有二:一是促進電信服務業公平競爭,二是促進 電信產業之發展。促進公平競爭之電信政策,有賴於以下三個制度之完 備:網路接續制度、資費管理制度、與普及服務制度。 網路接續制度乃是探討如何確保各業者之網路能夠互連,使得新進 電信業者的用戶能夠與既有電信業者的用戶通訊;資費管制之目的,一 方面不希望業者不合理訂價剝削消費者,另一方面也要保障業者能有合 理的利潤,以便創新進步;普及服務是為了保障人民有獲得通訊服務的 基本權利,而延伸出應如何分擔普及服務之責任及獲取補助之機制;電 信科技發展基金乃是探討成立基金之理由、基金之目的、以及如何有效 運用此基金等議題 The spirit of telecom liberalization is to open up the monopolized telecom market for competition. However, an oligopoly telecom market does not guarantee survival of new entrants, if there exists no fair ground of competition. There were two focuses in this thesis; one was to explore the regulations or rules which governs a fair telecom services market; the other was to stimulate the development of Taiwan's telecom manufacturing sector. A truly free telecom market relies on three regulations : 1. fair network interconnection, and equal access for all subscribers; 2. tariff regulations and controls; and 3. universal services. Network interconnection makes sure that networks of new carriers can be interconnected to networks of existing monopoly carrier, so that customers of the new carriers can communicate with customers of the existing carrier; Tariff regulation is to prevent windfall profits or cutthroat price war; Universal service is to protect customers' right of accessing to telecom services.