Title: | 通訊傳播規範於數位匯流下之困境與變革:以多合一服務(Triple-Play Service)為中心 Predicament and Revolution of Communication Regulations in the Era of Digital Convergence: Focusing on the Triple-Play Service |
Authors: | 黃琳君 Huang, Lin-Chun 王立達 彭心儀 Wang, Li-Dar Peng, Shin-Yi 科技法律研究所 |
Keywords: | 數位匯流;跨業經營;多合一服務;網路電視;多媒體內容傳輸平臺服務;中華電信MOD 服務;有線電視數位化;開放接取;網際網路互連;通訊傳播管理法草案;水平管制;技術中立;Digital Convergence;Cross Ownership;Triple-Play Service;Internet Protocol Television (IPTV);Multimedia Content Transporting Platform Service;CHT MOD Service;Digitalization of Cable Television;Open Access;Internet Peering;Draft Communication and Broadcasting Administration Law;Horizontal Regulation;Principle of Technology Neutrality |
Issue Date: | 2008 |
Abstract: | 科技發展下產生之數位匯流現象,使通訊、傳播產業走向跨業經營,整合語音通信、數據傳輸與視訊服務的「多合一服務」逐漸成為市場新寵。多合一服務除顛覆產業生態,對於既有之管制體系更形成嚴峻之挑戰,本研究之目的即在於分別自電信以及傳播事業之角度深入研析我國對於多合一服務之現行管制內涵以及所引發之法規爭議,從而提出適切的因應之道。本研究首先自產業面出發,探討數位匯流現象對於電信事業以及傳播事業所產生之衝擊以及多合一服務之出現,接著就現況下通訊、傳播二元分離管制之監理架構以及規範內容予以比較,進而分別自電信、傳播事業提供多合一服務之角度檢視現況下所產生之管制困境以及產業發展窒礙之處,之後再以2007年公布之通訊傳播管理法草案中所倡議之水平管制架構以及相關規範內容檢驗前述困境是否能過獲得解決,並於文末提出本研究對於通訊傳播產業法制研修之興革建議,以及數位匯流時代下重要之管制中心思維以供參考。 本研究主張通傳會目前將MOD服務納入固定通信業務管理規則有其規範上之缺陷,徒然造成平臺業者義務之不明確以及與有線電視服務間之規範落差問題,鑒於IPTV服務之本質係屬傳播服務,本研究認為應使IPTV服務回歸有線廣播電視法之規範,遠程目標而言本研究認為應允許各式視訊服務提供者均能夠斟酌自身能力選擇成為開放或非開放式視訊服務平臺,以促進不同平臺間之適性發展及公平競爭,現況下黨政軍退出媒體之限制亦應一併予以放鬆以使中華電信享有平臺開放否之選擇權。為了避免有線電視業者或頻道節目提供者杯葛新興平臺,本研究認為亦有必要制定「節目接近條款」,使新興視訊服務平臺業者於「內容即王」的產業特性下取得足茲抗衡之內容資源以與既有平臺競爭。 針對有線電視發展多合一服務之管制議題,本研究認為目前尚無就有線電視系統線路課予開放接續義務之必要;現況下由於網路互連費用居高不下,本研究建議短期應要求中華電信予以降價,遠程目標則為引進「流量付費機制」,以使Cable Modem等ISP業者有足夠利潤與中華電信HiNet服務競爭,並且帶動內容產業之共榮。自有線電視業者利用相同線路提供Cable Phone與VoIP網路電話間之義務差距則可得知現況下我國電信規範第一、第二類電信事業之區分有其缺失而應予改正。最後,為了矯正現況下由電信業主導、不平衡的多合一服務發展態勢,本研究認為應取消收視費用上限、採取頻道分組付費以及解除分區管制以鼓勵有線電視業者提供多元化之服務。 對於通訊傳播管理法草案主張之水平管制思維,本研究則主張在定性以及分層不明下,目前尚不宜驟然採取層級化的水平管制架構,而透過對於既有規範之修正即可有效落實技術中立之原則。數位匯流趨勢下倘能夠以「技術中立原則」輔以「解除管制」做為中心思維,各式服務以及技術將得以適性發展、自由競爭,邁向真正的「數位匯流」相信將不再是夢想。 The phenomenon of digital convergence caused by technology innovation leads the operation model of telecommunication sector and the broadcasting sector toward the trend of cross-ownership. Therefore the Triple-Play Service, which includes voice, data and video services has become the latest craze in the market. The Triple-Play Service not only reshapes the landscape of the communications industry, it also creates great challenges to the current regulatory framework. This thesis intends to explore Taiwan’s current regulatory regime in terms of the Triple-Play Service from the perspective of telecommunication and broadcasting sectors, and analyze the legal controversy arising therefrom so as to propose appropriate solutions to the problems. This thesis begins by discussing the impact of digital convergence on telecommunication and broadcasting businesses and the emergence of the Triple-Play Service; in the second part of the thesis the dichotomic supervision framework for the telecommunication and broadcasting sectors and the content of regulation are introduced and compared. The third part of the thesis examines issues including the difficulties in regulating the Triple-Play Service and the obstacles jeopardizing its development from the viewpoints of the telecommunication and broadcasting sectors respectively. The fourth part of the thesis covers the draft Communication and Broadcasting Administration Law, which proposes a fundamental change in regulatory framework to horizontal supervision. Crucial provisions are specified in this part in order to assess whether they are sufficient to address the problems aforementioned. The final part of the thesis provides some suggestions with respect to possible revisions of the current regulations, some core values are also highlighted to serve as guidance for the future regulatory regime. This thesis observes that by regulating the CHT MOD service with Regulations Governing Fixed Network Telecommunications Businesses, the MOD platform operator faces obscure obligations and regulatory disparity. Due to the fact that the essence of IPTV is more similar to broadcasting service, this thesis contends that IPTV service should be regulated under the Cable Broadcasting Law. In order to promote prevalence of the IPTV service and fair competition among all types of video service providers, this thesis argues that all service providers should be able to choose to become either an open platform or a non-open platform in the long run based on their own competitive edge. This thesis is also with the view that the ban on ownership of media should be lifted in order to bestow CHT with the opportunity to choose whether to open its broadcasting platform. In addition, this thesis proposes to enact the “program access” provision for the purpose of preventin boycott against new broadcasting platform, so that those video service providers will be able to obtain comparable content in order to compete with existing platform operators. As for the regulation issues with respect to the Triple-Play Service provided by cable system operators, first, this thesis considers it unnecessary to impose the open access obligation on the cable system operators at this stage. In order to ensure that ISPs including Cable Modem service providers can generate sufficient revenue in the Internet access service market to compete with CHT HiNet service and also for the prosperity of content service, this thesis suggests reduction of CHT’s peering fee, which is complained for being exceedingly high. The long term goal would be introducing the fee calculation mechanism based on the “nett volume traffic.” If a cable system operator intends to provide voice service, using its cable to operate fixed-network service or using the same cable in providing VoIP service will lead to different regulatory requirements. The thesis is of the opinion that such gap of regulatory burdens demonstrates the unreasonableness of the current Type I and Type II telecommunication classification, therefore justifies the necessity of reclassification. Finally, in order to promote a more balanced development of the Triple-Play service, this thesis urges cancellation of the cable subscription fee cap, adoption of channel tiering and abolishment of zoning restriction. With regard to the horizontal regulatory structure proposed by the draft Communication and Broadcasting Administration Law, this thesis claims that under the situation which the definition of each service remains unclear and the division of layers is also in dispute, such regulatory regime is so immature that should not be adopted at the current stage. This thesis considers that the principle of technology neutrality can be achieved by modifying the existing regulations. If such principle together with the concept of deregulation can be born in mind as the core values for future regulation, all variety of services and technologies can then freely compete and flourish without unjust intervention, the dream of “digital convergence” will soon be realized in the near future. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/81841 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |
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