Title: 應用資料探勘技術於戰術航跡資料分析研究
The Application of Data Mining Technology for Air Force Line Data Analysis
Authors: 李正泰
Keywords: 資料探勘;資料倉儲;戰術航跡;決策支援系統;Data mining;Data warehouse;Tactic air force line;Decision support system
Issue Date: 2003
Abstract: 資料探勘的意義即是從大量的資料中萃取出潛藏的預測資訊,使本來只是靜態的資料活化,變成有用的資訊,做為決策支援的依據。一般而言,資料探勘是針對某些特定的領域,產生特有的關連規則,從巨量的資料庫中發掘出所需的資訊與知識,供決策支援之用。與過去的決策支援系統(Decision Support System)所不同處,在於資料探勘系統根據關連規則提供自動化的預測分析能力。
Data Mining is the process of automated extraction of hidden predictive information from databases and finding new and potentially useful knowledge from it. Data mining, the extraction of hidden predictive information from large databases, is a powerful new technology with great potential to help us to focus on the most important information in data warehouse since decision support requires historical, summarized, and consolidated data from one or more operational databases over a long period.
Data which is used in decision support is typically subject-oriented and integrated, and its relative importance can change across time. This research aimed at applying data warehousing and data mining technology to the decision support system of military data. We pilot test this data mining for decision support methodology in the tactic air force line data analysis.
The main results of this research including designing a data mining model that can be built on the data warehouse system to meet the required analysis needs of tactics air force line. Study the relative literatures of Data warehouse and data mining. Design architecture for Data warehouse and data mining system based on the need of defense of Air Force. Analysis architecture for Data warehouse and data mining system based on the need of defense of Air Force using classification method to support decision-makers much easier in relevant decision-making. Implement a prototype model for Data warehouse and data mining system based on the need of defense of Air Force.
Appears in Collections:Thesis