標題: 以資訊流分析之程式庫解析工具的實作
The Implementation of a Class Library Underatanding Tool with Information Flow Analysis
作者: 黃元杰
Huang, Yuan-Chieh
Feng-Jian Wang
關鍵字: 程式分析;程式解析;物件導向;軟體工程;program analysis;program understanding;object-oriented;software engineering
公開日期: 1997
摘要: 雖然類別的使用具有高度的模組化,他們彼此間仍存在著繼承( inheritance)、關連(association)、以及群集(aggregation)的關 係,一些隱含的資訊可能經由這些關係來傳遞。這一些隱含的資訊也許會 阻礙對於類別庫(class library)的瞭解。一個用來表示這些隱含資訊 的資訊流模型(Information Flow Model)已經被提出來,用以分析類別 之間的關係。這篇論文發展一個以資訊流模型為基礎的程式解析工具。這 個工具提供類別庫的分析,以便於幫助使用者依據繼承、關連、以及群集 關係來了解程式。這個工具實作在一個視窗環境上,包括一個顯示分析結 果的多視窗(multi-view)架構。多視窗架構可以幫助使用者由不同的觀 點來瞭解一個類別庫。同時,這工具提供一個互動式且友善(friendly) 的使用者介面以幫助使用者更容易的去瞭解顯示在這個工具上的資訊流。 Although classes are of high-level modularity, they have inheritance, association, and aggregation relationships among one another, via which implicit information might be propagated. The implicit information might obstacle program analysis for understanding class libraries. The information flow model that represents the implicit information as flow can provide the analysis of class relationships. This thesis develops a program understanding tool based on the information flow model. The tool provides the analyses of class libraries to help users for program understanding with respect to inheritance, association, and aggregation relationships. The implementation of the tool is a window-based environment that contains a multiple-view to show the analysis result. The results with multi-view can help users to understand class libraries. An interactive and friendly user interface is also provided to facilitate the understanding of the flow information displayed in the tool.
Appears in Collections:Thesis